
Relationship with one's father after divorce

Q: I have a very complicated question for you. Basically, my mother got divorced from my father many years ago, it was a forced marriage and was not built to last of course. Father was 40 years older than her, she was just 16 when she got married. Now she is saying I cannot speak to him, nor attend his funeral if he dies. In fact this year she has told me to completely sever all relations with him, otherwise she will disown me. I know she has been through hell and back because of him, and they did not get on well with one another, but do I have any rights, or must I be obedient and do sabr? If mother finds out that I have even glanced at him, I will be disowned and possibly thrown out of the house. I don't blame either of them. I love them both, but why must I go through all this? Is this a punishment for my sins? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Parents receiving the reward of good deeds carried out by their children


1- In a bayaan it was mentioned that the parents receive on going reward from their children after the parents leave this world. Please explain whether this is correct?

2- A brother (who has children and their mother, has passed away) asked if the good deeds his children carry out will be rewarded to the woman who he marries , because that person will play the part of a mother?

3- Also if the brother marries again and if the new wife gets the reward of of his children, does that effect the reward for the real mother of the children who has passed away?