
Seeing a pinkish discharge before the days of haidh

Q: A woman spots pinkish discharge 5 days before her period date (she spotted the discharge on the 29th of November and she started bleeding on the 2nd of December) she does sometimes get her periods 3-4 days earlier, her normal habit is 10 days.

So my question is, should she count her Haidh from when she noticed the pinkish discharge or when she actually started bleeding?

Doubts regarding impurity on the floor

Q: I had the urge to go to the restroom (for toilet). Before sitting on the toilet seat I usually check the toilet seat whether there is any thing on it or not (I bent my back while checking). The moment I stood straight, I was confused whether from the toilet or normal discharge that gushed out. It gushed so much (this time I really had the urge to go). It was watery and I am confused whether it was from the toilet or clear discharge and that I put my clothes on the floor. I am not sure whether the impurity touched  floor or not. Should I wash the floor? It happened to me nearly three times. 

Doubting when haidh starts

Q: I was feeling that I might have got discharge. I did not see because most of the time I have this feeling. Later when I checked (after 1 or 2 hours) I saw blood on my clothes.

1. When should I start counting my haidh days; the time I saw the blood or when I felt the discharge (I am not sure whether I had really got the discharge and it could have been white or red also)?


Q: I have a discharge problem and I fall under the category of mazoor. I have a few questions

1. Do I need to make istinja for every salaah?

2. Do I need to change my panty liner for every salaah?

3. I'm pregnant and I have a gas problem, will passing wind break my wudhu?

4. If I'm making tawaaf and I pass wind. Will I need to remake my wudhu?

Seeing little wetness after a wet dream


1. When I start sleeping then in the beginning I don't sleep completely and some sexual things flash in my mind and some mazi comes out so this would be counted as wet dream? I am sure that I didn't have any vaginal throbbing nor did my heart beat get fast, so do I have to make ghusl?

2. When I woke up then I remember having a wet dream but there was no wetness nor mani or mazi but there was very little spot on my clothes which was looking like regular white discharge, so should I make ghusl?

Ma'zoor ka hukm

Q: Mera sawaal ye he ke agar kisi aurat ko har waqt paani aata he jeyse leucorrhoea bol ke koi bemaari he jis se us ku safed paani khaarij hota he. Phir wo kya is haal me namaaz par sakti he ya nahi?

Woman getting different colours in her discharge

Q: A woman gets yellow, white and green colour discharge frequently. She does not get her periods monthly. She might get it only two or three times in a year.

The question is that after each fifteen days she counts the yellow or green discharge. Sometimes there is a discharge with red streaks as her period if she gets it for three days consecutively. Thereafter if she gets the discharge, after 1 or 3 days break also. She completes the haiz period as 10 days. Is this the right way? What if she gets gets only yellow or very light yellow or green discharge in the period of haiz? Should it be counted as haiz?