Witr Salaah

Masbooq in witr salaah of Ramadhaan


1. In Witr Salaah in the month of Ramadhan, if the masbooq joins the Imam in the ruku of the last rakat, is it wajib for the masbooq to recite dua e qunoot when he stands up to complete his missed rakat and in which rakat will he recite dua e qunoot?

2. In Witr Salaah, if the masbooq missed all the rakaats and did not recite dua e qunoot when he stood up to complete his Salaah, is it compulsory upon him to repeat the Witr Salaah after the Salaah time has expired?

3a. If the masbooq turned for salaam with the Imam accidentally or not knowing the masala and he did sajdah sahw at the end, is the Salaah valid?

3b. In the above situation, if he didn't do sajdah sahw, is it compulsory to repeat the Salaah when the Salaah time has expired or is the Salaah valid but incomplete?

4a. When the Imam did salaam to do sajdah sahw, the masbooq accidentally or not knowing the masala, he also turned his head for salaam and then did sajdah sahw at the end of the Salaah, is the Salaah valid?

4b. In the above situation, if he didn't do sajdah sahw, is it compulsory to repeat the Salaah when the Salaah time has expired or is the Salaah valid but incomplete?

Witr Salaah

Q: My question is regarding witr Salaah. In one Hadith the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) forbade praying witr like maghrib but in the hanafi fiqh it is prayed like maghrib and I am a bit confused. Please clarify.

Witr Salaah

Q: Can you please brief me on the different ways to praying witr salaah? and what is the niyah we make for the first two rakaah when we pray two rakah then one rakaah witr. Moreover, is it okay after returning to standing form (after ruku) we raise our hand reciting Dua Qunut and make dua.

Masnoon qiraat in witr


1. My question is what surahs are the best to be read in witr? (I am referring to a Hanafi Madhad) Which or what surah is the best to recite in the first rakah, second rakah and in the last rakah.

2. Also is it permissible to perform one rakah witr after praying isha? And also is it permissible to perform 1 rakah witr in the dawn?