Method of performing witr Salaah

Q: Can you guide me with the correct method of witr prayer in sunnah way. If I don't know qunood, can I recite Surah ikhlaas thrice?

A: You will start by making the intention of performing 3 rakaats of salaatul witr. You will sit for the qa`dah after the first 2 rakaats. After the tashahhud, you will stand up for the third rakaat. Upon the completion of the qiraat, you will say the takbeer raising the hands and then recite the du`aa of qunoot. Thereafter you will go into ruku and complete the salaah as normal.
You may read "Rabbigh firlee" in place of the du`aa-e-qunoot.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
