
Area below the navel becoming exposed while making tawaaf in ihraam

Q: When wearing the ihraam cloth and making tawaf around the ka'bah, I am afraid that part of my awrah (just below the navel) will be visible at times, especially when flipping the cloth to the idhtibaa' position etc, since I am not used to wearing this cloth. If my awrah shows, will the tawaf still be valid. Will I have to pay any compensation for it?

Making tawaaf on a wheelchair

Q: I am planning to go for umrah with my father who is elderly. He can walk slowly, but it would take extremely long time for him to perform the tawaafs and sa'ee walking, and he would have to stop many times to rest. Will it be permissible to take him in a wheelchair, even though he technically can walk, since this would be easier for him?