
Father bathing his daughter

Q: Please could you tell me if there is any ruling in Islam for a father not to help with the looking after of his daughter with bathing her and washing her when she uses the bathroom. My daughter is now six and insha Allah another girl on the way. My mother in law refuses to let me help and insists only she and my wife may do this.

Teaching girls at home

Q: I have a fourteen year old daughter. Does Mufti saheb advise me to send her for Aalima classes (day classes) or should I teach her at home. If so, what kitaabs can I teach her? I feel the aalima classes have become such that if one's daughter is not going to school, she still has to be 'studying' something. If you tell people your daughter is at home, it's like a disgrace. Please advise.

Daughter seeing her father having relations

Q: If a daughter looks at her parents having sex through a small hole. She was young and saw her dad's penis erected and looked for a little while and then felt discharge within her while looking. She can't remember exactly if there was lust with in her but she just looked at her mum and dad having relations and saw her dad's penis erected. But can't remember exactly if she had lust or she looked just so. But she said she don't think she would have lust for her dad. Is her parents nikaah valid?



1. A person feels lust for his wife. He has an erection thinking about her and he accidentally touches his mature daughter's bare hand. Since the lust was for his wife, is his nikaah broken?

2. A person touched his mother with lust. He hasn't confessed and fears that if he does, it will destroy his relationship with his parents. What should he do? He sincerely cries and regrets and repents to Allaah.

3. If after a man touches his daughter with lust and his wife becomes haraam for him and they separate from each other but they still want each other, can they be reunited again in Jannah?

4. Is a man still mahram for his mother whom he had touched with lust where hurmat musaharah has occured? Can he accompany her on a long journey? He regrets sincerely and there is absolutely no temptation and fear of it happening again.


Q: What is the private parts of a female in hurmat-e-musaaharah. If someone sees his daughter's back lumbar region not covered with cloth who is sleeping and her genitals are covered and immediately turns his eyes away but has some feeling in his heart but no feeling of erection, does it constitute hurmat-e-musaaharah?

Maintenance of children after divorce

Q: If a woman who is divorced has two daughters; 21 and 18 years. The mother is a teacher and working, thus earning and seeing to the needs of the family. The father has no contact and does not support his daughters.

1) Who's responsibility is it to see to the needs of the two daughters?

2) In the event of the father passing on, who is next in category to sustain the daughters?

3) Can zakaat be given to them to sustain their needs currently?

4) Is it the responsibility of the mother to sustain the daughters, albeit the two daughters have already passed the age of maturity?

5) What/When will the two daughters be eligible to be aided with zakaat for their needs?

Medical issues

Q: My question is regarding my daughter. She is currently 5 weeks old. When she was not born I decided to name her Khadijah but when she was born I changed her name to Anabiya. Since she has born till now she has something going on. First she had gas and when we changed her milk she was fine after that she got younger infection.

My question is that weather this is due to the fact that first her name since when she was not born our intention was a different name but after she was born we changed it. She also cries a lot can you please tell me a Surat or dua that I can read every time she cries? Can you respond to me as soon as possible as if I should change her name to Khadijah or leave it to Anabiya?