
Father gifting property to his daughters in his lifetime

Q: My father recently passed away. The question relates to matters of inheritance

a. A number of assets were ‘given” to his daughters (no sons) in his lifetime, which he told many people that ownership was for the daughters alone. He (the father) paid the zakaat and managed the assets, related income and expenditure till his death. The question is whether the shariah ownership it’s with the daughters or the estate.

b. An income generations asset was put into a trust. The daughters were again given ownership, however all in the name of heir children. In this case the net funds received were kept separately. When a payout was made it was paid on to the daughters. The question is whether the shariah ownership it’s with the daughters or the estate.


Q: Need assistance regarding inheritance. Wife passed on couple days ago had R 164,000.00. I was told by the local Imam that 2.5% is zakaat, 1/3 for any fast missed in her life time the max amount, me the husband R 27,000.00 the son R 54,000.00 and the Daughter R 27,000.00 and R51,000.00 for grand children + islamic liabilities. Is the calculations correct please advise.


Q: In my will I have a home in which my wife and 1 son and 3 daughters live. If I am to have my assets distributed Islamically upon death - How is the value of the home distributed - is it sold to discharge the distribution - where will the wife and children live then?



1. My mother gave me her gold bangles before she passed away and instructed me to use them to build/support a masjid I had them for a while but unfortunately we had a burglary in our hose and almost everything valuable ( I had no insurance on them ) now what is my position on fulfilling my duty/debt on this please? I have not a lot/full value in cash to carry out the responsibility I was trusted to fulfil.

2. My fathers wealth. We were four brothers one passed away a long time ago 35 years and he left a daughter who at time was only three years old my family decided to get her mother to marry my v young brother to her mother who is still married to her and has three of his own children + one niece/daughter whom he brought up v well and is now married has family of her own point is my father did not leave a written will (common in our culture) but had expressed his will/opinion i.e. she (my late brother daughter+her mother are now) are now my younger brother family etc so my both parents (both passed away recently) intention will understanding was same that the wealth would be divided in three alive brothers but again common thing in our culture/fam my uncle being elder has different ideas as my younger bro wife is also his sister in law (uncles) and is v v close to him so he saying it should be divided in four in favour of his sister in law complication comes as some of our father wealth is mutual with uncle ie before my parents passed away we swapped some properties mutually with my uncle but never transferred registered them to any ones names they remained on my father and uncle names but since then my uncle has sold his entire wealth that he got from us/my father in swap but still has our share which is on his name but wont transfer it to us unless we do it to by his will ie divide by four. What is the shariah law in this situation?


Q: My brother passed away prior to my father. Do his childeren inherit from his estate. My three sisters passed away after my father has passed away, do the grandchilderns or the son in-laws inherit from his estate?


Q: I would be immensely grateful your help in solving the inheritance question I have which is as follows:- (all the brothers have been sorted but it remains the daughters to be sorted)

1) Person “AE” passes away and leaves 4 sons “A,B,C,and D” and a daughter “F”

2) Daughter “F” passes away leaving three surviving brothers “A,B.C” and husband “I” and daughter “G”.

3) After her death “F” the husband marries again “J”.

4) The husband “I” dies leaving his new wife “J” and the original daughter “G” and two sisters “K and L”

As I understand from Islamic prospective the :=

1 a) Daughter “F” gets 1/9 of the original share, upon her death the surviving brothers “A,B,and C” gets remainder each from the estate of “F” after the husband “I” gets ¼ their daughter gets ½ of the mothers share. upon her death the surviving brothers “A,B,and C” (siblings) get remainder each from the estate

1 b) Upon the death of “I” (F’s Husband) the new wife with whom no children were born gets 1/8 and the two sisters “K an L” get 3/16 each and the original daughter “G” gets 1/2 from the fathers estate. Your valued input is highly appreciated.