

Q: My question is my father put the house in mortgage to the bank. One year later he passed away. The loan amount was equal to the house value. No money was paid back to the bank. The bank kept asking for money for several years and finally they sent a letter to possess and auction the property. We were about to lose the house. During that time I came to USA and was able to pay the bank and got the house back from the bank. I allowed my married sister to live on the 1st floor of the house for no rental money, since we all came to USA including my mom and 2 brothers. For few years my mom took the 2nd floor rental income. But after that my sister started to use the rental income for her family. She used the rental income for 20 years. My question is that when I paid for the house to the bank, does the house belong to me or it should be divided according to the Islamic law. I don't want to do injustice to any of my 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Please advise thank you.


Q: My question is my father passed away. He left a house, his car, assests and business. My mom is still alive and I am the only daugther. It is only the two of us. My mom says all the inheritance is for her alone. Is this true?

Distributing the estate according to Shari'ah

Q: My elder brother passed away in 2012 aboard. He was married in 1997. But from the 20th till his death they living separate. They don't have any kids. His wife wants to stay independent from our family. Now after his death she comes to us and asking for all his properties which he gave us to handle. We told her what Shar'iah told, we are ready for that but she told us we are Indian. She wants Indian law as here for Hindus. What does Shar'iah say about  this matter? Please advise.

Making a bequest for an heir

Q: I have been adopted by my maternal aunt as my mother died seven days after my birth. I inherited property (first order inheritance) and nothing from my own father side. Now that I am married and have two daughters elder one being married and younger one still studying. Can I make a will for the distribution of this property between my wife and the two daughters after my death?


Q: My father had passed away and I being his daughter is entitled to inherit from his possession. My father left a large sum deposited in the bank that earned him compound interest annually, he officially was on a job, and earned a modest salary out of which any surplus over domestic expenditure was again deposited. By compound interest, I mean, any interest that was earned on the sum was added to the principal amount so that the next interest receipt could be claimed on the greater sum. After his demise, now any interest earned is brought into use by my mother and sister for their expenditure and for Zakaat purpose, no compounding therefore, now takes place. Before, however, during his lifetime, all his money was diluted with the interest receipts. I want to know whether it is permissible for me to claim my part of inheritance from this interest diluted money? Provided, If any money comes to me, it will no longer be used to earn interest. However, untiI I don't get my part it will remain deposited to earn interest and the money is expected to arrive to me in a few years. Can I receive all my part of inheritance and use it for my means?


Q: I have a question and need an answer according to Islamic Shari'ah. My father died in 1992 and he inherited one small house. We are 3 brothers and 1 sister living in joint family. My elder brother worked and earned money for home running and also we received an amount from a good person on monthly basis as charity for me, my younger brother and sister (not elder brother due to his age fit for working). We lived and covered the expenses from these incomes. When this charity income stopped, I started teaching for living. Later on I joined a private company and earned lots of money and built a new house. We all shifted to that home and lived for 7 years and I covered all home expenses, mother, brothers, sister including whole family of my elder brother in which there are 5 children aged 5 years. Now we want to divide the property which is the new house built by me in 2013 after my father's death and the old house inherited by my father. Can this new house also be divided in brothers and sister or just we need to divide the house inherited by my father. I mean the new house amount was fully earned all by me and cannot be divided because this is my self earned amount not inherited by my father. My brothers say that all property will be equally divided, but I say that only my father's property will be divided and the rest is self earned property of mine after several years of my father's death. Please let me know the solution for the property division which is earned by brothers not inherited by father. Do my brothers and sister have a right in the property which I have self earned after my father's death or they only have right in the property which my father has inherited?

Being respectful and kind towards one's parents

Q: I am a woman who is married to a beautiful person Alhamdulilah and have three children. I also have an amazing set of parents. I love them a lot and care for them. I respect them and I have succeeded in keeping them happy with my behaviour and humbleness towards them. I do this only because Allah has mentioned this over and over again about the rights of parents. I have tried my best not to disappoint them and keep asking them to forgive me if I have. My question is my parents keep talking of what belongs to my brothers amongst their properties and what belongs to me, although any sane person would say how unjust the division is. I have never said uff or raised my voice against their decision. But the thought keeps eating me from inside that although I have loved and obeyed every single word of my parents, why is it that I am being tested by not getting what Allah has given me the right to. My brothers are so disobedient and abuse my parents (at least one of them), they keep raising their voice against my parents decisions and I have selflessly always tried to make peace without thinking of any personal gain. Today, if I don't think of what is mine and what my haqq is, nobody will. I just don't know how to voice my mind to my parents only with the fear of upsetting them or maybe letting them down. They always come to me for opinions and help and I have always helped them without any ulterior motive. Just that nobody has any guarantee of time and I don't want to come to a point where I will be head on with my brothers and maybe ruin my relationship with them over my right. Please help me. I am torn, hurt and very upset.


Q: I have a question regarding inheritance. If someone could please kindly answer. I would be most grateful. A father has 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. His house is in his ownership. he makes a verbal arrangement amongst some family members that this house belongs to one of his sons, although by law he does not transfer the ownership of the house to that son during his lifetime. The mother insists that even though the father is still alive , the son to whom the house is promised after the fathers death must pay his younger brother his share of the value of the house. Regarding the 3rd remaining brother it is verbally decided that he will not receive any share of the value of the house as his parents have already financially helped him. Furthermore it is agreed that the two daughters will not inherit and they both verbally express they forgo their right of any inheritance in favour of two of their brothers. If you could please give me the Islamic ruling on the validity of all this.