
Travelling with a mahram

Q: My mum wishes to travel to Zambia for a period exceeding 14 days. She will be staying with her friends (all woman). My mum is 67 years old. I've told her I will accompany her during her journey i.e from Johannesburg to her destination drop her off and do the same for her return journey. Please advise if this is acceptable?

Families travelling together


1. I am married, I have a sister in-law and brother in-law, they are also married. We all stay in Saudi as neighbours, so is it permissible that we three families go for umrah together in a big car provided all females are fully covered in burqa?

2. Similarly can we three families go on a picnic trip to various tourist attractions provided all females are covered in burqa but obviously the females can see the men of their family through eye opening of niqab if they don't lower their gaze but males can't. so is it permissible to travel together in this manner?

3. Another situation is if all of the three families travel in their personal car but on reaching the destination they unite,but no casual conversation is there between na mahrams of family, each family just enjoy themselves and have fun,only thing is they all go the place same day for a happiness in their personal vehicles, is it permissible to travel in this manner?

Not joining the jamaat Salaah

Q: This weekend I was out musafir for a few days with a few friends. We came to a masjid to perform salaah. Two friends we finished making wuduh and the third was still making wuduh so the two of us decided to start our farad thinking the 3rd brother will join us. Our first rakat was almost finished when the third brother finished his wudu. The brother didn't join us but performed his salah on his own. When asked why he didn't join us he said because we didn't wait for him. Is this brother sinful for doing that?

How to determine the boundaries of a locality

Q: In beheshti zewar, in the chapter of salaah on a journey, mention is made that if the azaan from one place cannot be heard in another place, then they are regarded as two places, for the purpose of the musafir if he spends 10 days in each place, he would still be a musafir. Does this still apply today when determining where are boundaries? Or does one look at the municipal boundaries between suburbs and localities?

Performing Salaah in a car

Q: My wife and I do a lot of travelling by car. A lot of times the distances we drive are over 90km. Due to this, sometimes we have to pray on the side of the road or in a parking lot. If my wife prays outside the car like me, there are many people (men and women) who walk and drive by and could see her. In this case, is it permissible for my wife to pray sitting down in the car?