
Inserting cotton wool inside the private part to prevent discharge

Q: I have a problem of discharge coming out every now and then. Its like I'll make ablution and come for prayer my wudhu breaks... Sometimes even before starting prayer... Other times right in the middle of prayer...

How can I perform tawaaf in this case as it will be very difficult or even if I go out to such places wherein it is difficult to clean the discharge... Will it be permissible to put tissue or cotton wool to prevent the discharge from coming out just for the purpose of keeping wudhu?

Law of a ma'zoor during haidh


1. A girl who is a ma’zoor due to passing wind, when she gets her haidh, how will she decide whether she is still a ma’zoor. Will she see whether while she has her haidh she passed wind through each salaah time?

2. Please explain the law of how a person becomes a mazoor with an example.

3. What will a girl do if, while she thought that she was clean and not in a state of haidh, she passed wind for an entire salaah period so she considered herself as a ma’zoor but later on she found out that she was actually in the state of haidh. Will she be a ma’zoor?

Meaning of "one salaah time passing" for a person to be a ma'zoor

Q: I would like to find out about being azoor with regards to flatulence. I believe you qualify if you pass wind during one salah time.

My question is, does the salah time mean from the beginning of a certain salah i.e. fajr upto Zuhr start, or just the amount of time between wudu and completion of fajr salah? Also, between Isha and fajr it is a very long time. Does the rule still apply at that time. Please clarify.

Woman in istihaadha performing asr and qadha of zuhr with the same wudhu

Q: Today was my max day for menses. I was supposed to do ghusl at 6:27pm but the bathroom was in use so I ended up doing it a few mins before asr began (I was in the bathroom at 5:51pm and asr began at 5:55/5:58pm). I finished ghusl after around 20-30 mins after began. I’m in istihadah. I dried my hair then read qada of zuhr and then I read asr with one wudu. Is this fine?

Mazoor making tayammum

Q: I have some health issues and I have to renew wudhu before a salah starts because I am a mazoor or excused person (urine comes out). Can I do tayammun instead of wudhu? Because it takes me 10 minutes to do wudhu and I am not well plus if I wash my body parts too much they get dry. 

Becoming a ma'zoor due to constant discharge

Q: I have read on many trusted sites that, urethral discharge is impure. However, if someone is getting this discharge a lot and it is difficult to control, can they be excused from washing it constantly? I experience a lot of anxiety and stress and is probably why I am getting this type of discharge. I know from experience. I don't want to be stuck in the toilet for a long time or use a lot of water.

1. So what can I do? I've read somewhere else that a girl used to experience this discharge because of severe headaches, so she was advised that its not the normal urethral discharge.

2. Doesn't it make you najis because its coming out of the place where urine comes out?

Wudhu and salaah for a person who has haemorrhoids

Q: I suffer from haemorrhoids that are external and possibly internal as well. I have had this problem constantly for 5 years. Usually I ignore them but sometimes they get irritated which they did over the last few weeks. I noticed recently that sometimes there is a small amount of discharge on my back passage. I have noticed this in the past but assumed that it was just a kind of non flowing pus coming from the external haemorrhoid so it was pure. This time though I have been putting toilet paper on my back passage at points throughout the day and sometimes there will be a small amount of this discharge. There is no way to know when it comes out. For example, I could pass wind a lot and there would be none there or I could check an hour after showering and have not have passed wind and then it is there.

I want to know if there is any excuse for me or any way to make this easy on myself as it has become a big burden washing all the time and washing my clothes as well. If washing it is irritating can I simply dab it with tissue then do wudu?

Even if I fully clean it with tissue it irritates it and seems to make more come as I need to wipe the tissue between them. Can i dab with a tissue til I can't see any?

Im not sure since it is not constantly coming out for example I have time to pray after washing it but it has happened every day so far and is starting to cause me inconvenience and pain. I have seen a previous answer on here saying that a person sould pray even if he is covered in blood from hemearroids, does that excuse me? If I am excused also do I check for the mucus and if its there, clean it with a tissue and then do wudu or just ignore it and do wudu?

Can I just dab it until i can see no more even though it is still impure? And if so, how long can I do this for? Please advise me on what I should do about all this.

Salaah of a person who has urine drops problem and salaah time is about to expire

Q: A person has a urine problem, where if he goes to the toilet, for the next 30-45 minutes he cannot read salaah due to urine drops. If the time of salaah is about to end and the condition persists, does he have to make Wudu and perform salaah, or let the salaah become qadhaa and perform it after the time has expired. (The person is not a ma'zoor as the condition did not last for an entire salaah time)