
Imaamat of a ma'zoor

Q: Since last few months there’s minor fluid leaking from my anus, as soon as I clean myself and make wudhu, it leaks again. I think I qualify to be a Ma’zoor.

1. I have lead some prayers at home being a ma’zoor, are my prayers valid? If not, do I have to repeat them and inform my friends who prayed behind me. I don’t remember some persons who prayed behind me.

2. Can I offer Nafl Fasts in this state?

3. As the wudhu expires at the end of every salah time. Is it ok if I perform wudhu 5 mins before Maghrib as the jama’at time starts right after Adhan. I perform wudhu for Tahajjud Salah (20 mins before Fajr), do I have to perform fresh wudhu after Fajr time begins?

Clear discharge


1. Does clear discharge break your wudhu? 

2. Whilst performing my salaah I discharged a clear discharge, does this mean my salaah is broken? Does this mean that I have to break my salaah and perform a new wudhu?

3. If I find out that I discharged after I have already completed my salaah, do I have to perform my salaah again?

4. If I have been discharging a clear discharge a lot the entire day, do I have to still continously perform a new wudhu everytime?

Inserting a dry tissue in one's private part to prevent discharge

Q: I have a discharge problem. I am not sure whether I am qualified as a mazoor or not. On normal days, as a precaution, I insert a tissue into my private part, but while I am fasting I dont insert tissue because my fast may break. Sometimes I am unable to clean the area properly with a tissue and then I insert a dry tissue. So while fasting I dont put tissue and offer prayers but I feel wetness and still I continue to pray. Since I have a discharge problem and little wetness is there when I check after prayers. What do I do as I am confused? I am afraid that I may doing kufr by offering namaz in this condition.

Woman inserting a tampon to avoid being a mazoor

Q: I would like to know the mas'ala on being a mazoor. A woman considers herself a mazoor due to continuos discharge. She will be going for umrah and would like to insert a tampon to make it easier for her so that she does not have to make wudu for every salaah. My question is:

1. When must she insert her tampon so that she does not have to make a new wudu for every salaah?

2. If she inserts a tampon, will she then not be considered a mazoor?

3. After removing the tampon, does she again consider herself as a mazoor?

Continuous discharge

Q: I have a wetness problem. There is no feeling of discharging wetness nor does it flow on my leg or clothes. There is always little wetness by my private part, almost 90% of the time. Whenever I pray and after completing prayers I check and there is wetness. What is the ruling for me?

Do I have to check everytime and then make wuzu again and again? Do I need to break the salah if wetness is felt, it might be water as well since we do istinja before wuzu and offer namaz immediately. I dont break my salah, rather I complete my salah in this condition, am I doing something wrong? I am not sure whether I am a mazoor or not.

Ma'zoor for vaginal dischrage

Q: I hold the opinion that the normal vaginal discharge that a women experiences is najis and that it requires istinjah and wudhu. I know some scholars say that the normal discharge a women gets does not nullify wudhu but i do not agree with this view. I get this discharge constantly such as that I cannot perform a single wudhu or prayer without experiencing this discharge. This discharge is not due to desire and comes out naturally. I am aware that I am a mazoor for this. However sometimes while I am a mazoor for this discharge I also experience madthi which is due to unwanted sexual thoughts or if I look at any guy by accident I get madthi. I am wondering because I am a mazoor for the other normal discharge that a women experiences would I have to redo istinjah and wudhu if I discharge madthi or is this not obligatory upon as I am suffering incontinence with the other normal discharge a women gets which is not due to desire. Please answer my question urgently as this is causing me alot of confusion as to what I am supposed to do.

Will one be a ma'zoor by emitting few drops when aroused?

Q: I have been experiencing a few problems lately. Often when I experience an erection, a few drops of what I believe to be semen. I have never had a wet dream so I don't really know what it should look like. This does not happen everytime but it does occur.

a) Am I considered to be mazoor?

b) If not do I have to have a bath every time that happens?

c) If i am mazoor do i have to have a every time?


Q: I find it difficult to keep wudu sometimes due to a problem. I know that I can do salah as an excused person. I read online that the excuse has to continue for an entire salah time, not giving enough time to do salah (without the excuse) and then atleast once for every salah time after to stay excused.

1. My question is that it is difficult to be paying attention to my excuse for an entire salah time to see if I qualify to be excused. It would be difficult to see if my excuse occurs every five minutes. Am I missing something? Sometimes my excuse is better than other times, but sometimes it causes me to miss salah.

2. Also, I know the one that has an excuse for wudu has to make a new wudu for each salah time. However, if the salah times run into eachother, is this still necessary. For example, if one makes wudu for asr prayer and then finishes just as maghrib is starting, does one have to leave to go make a new wudu?

3. Also, I read the an imam who suffers from an excuse (such as incontinence or the like) is not allowed to lead a normal healthy person in salah. This seems quite unfair because the excuse is not the fault of the person suffering from the excuse. If it is not a distraction to the healthy persons prayer, then it should be permitted. What is your opinions on this matter?

4. A final question I have is that if one has impurity on ones clothes and one is out and unable to clean it and the time for the salah is running out, is it better to miss the salah or pray the salah with the impurity on ones clothes (or even skin). If the person does the salah, does it have to be made up later on?