


1. I am excused with regards to wudu due to constant bleeding in my mouth following oral surgery. My mouth is inevitably impure during prayers. I know one is allowed a certain amount of impurity on themselves with which prayer is valid. Does the impurity in my mouth (for which I am excused), count? If I have a bit more impurity (blood) somewhere else on my body, would my salah be valid?

For example, while I was excused after oral surgery, I also had a blood clot in my mucus come out from my nose, and prayed without washing inside my nose (though I checked that there was no more blood in my nose after the clot came out). Is my salah valid?

2. Secondly, I have an infection on my toe from which blood/pus comes out frequently. Usually the amount that comes out is not enough to consider 'flowing'. Blood/pus tends to especially come out when I wash it for wudu.

My question is - given that when I make wudu and blood/pus is coming out, the water that flows over it will inevitably flow over the rest of my toe as well. Am I allowed to pray like that as it is inevitable? Also in general, if blood if flowing from a certain area, and one must pray, and during wudu the water goes over both the area with the blood and other areas, is one allowed to pray after that wudu? Or how does one wash the bleeding area, without spreading impurity? Also, does one have to wash the area that is under the chin, but before the throat, that is between the chin and throat, during wudu?

Delaying Salaah till the end of the Salaah time due to an uzr (excuse)

Q: Once, a few pimples on my scalp burst while I was showering and would not stop bleeding. The time for fajr salaah was almost up and my entire body was impure as the water from my head (that was still bleeding) had run all over my body. I tried to wash as much of it as I could but the majority of my body was still impure. I made wudu and performed salaah anyway, just before the time ended. Was this salaah valid? If not, what should I have done in a situation like this?


Q: I have a discharge problem and I fall under the category of mazoor. I have a few questions

1. Do I need to make istinja for every salaah?

2. Do I need to change my panty liner for every salaah?

3. I'm pregnant and I have a gas problem, will passing wind break my wudhu?

4. If I'm making tawaaf and I pass wind. Will I need to remake my wudhu?

Urinary incontinence


1) I have problem of urinary inconsistence. I have to wait for nearly ten minutes after urinating for the drops to stop dripping. Moreover I am quite certain that drops dribble in my clothes while I am sleeping. I do feel the sensation of urine drops coming out in daily routine also, however the number of occasions this has really happened are very few (once every 20-30 times). In such a scenario, if I have a sensation that a urine drop has dribbled, but I am not in the position of verifying it, then is it OK for me to consider my clothes tahir?

2) If I am able to verify that drops have dribbled and made my clothes najis, should I offer prayer because it is not possible to change clothes or undergarments in office or in travel? If I am at home, I immediately change my clothes and purify myself.

3) Because of urinary inconsistence, my mind is subjected to waswasa every now and then. If I am not tahir (paak), then I usually try not to touch anything. There are many things which I do not touch because I think I have made them najis at some point in the past. I do feel restricted in daily life due to this habit. One solution is to purify these objects, but I cannot do this for all the objects like microwave oven in hostel, table tennis table in office etc. What I should do about these objects?

Bleeding gums

Q: I very recently had my wisdom teeth removed, and will have another one removed in the next few weeks. After my tooth was surgically removed, it bled continuously for hours (after such procedures, there is continuous bleeding expect for 24-48 hours). Now, I know it is not permissible to swallow blood, however I cannot continuously rinse my mouth, in fact rinsing and spitting to harshly after such surgery can lead to dry sockets which are very painful. I also find it very difficult not to swallow for such a long time (it seems practically impossible for me). What should I do about the blood in this situation? (Note that this is not a small amount of blood). Also, so far I have been praying by having a good supply of tissue in my hand or on the ground next to me and spitting the blood out onto those as I pray. Is this acceptable? Lastly, how do I eat in this situation (when whatever I eat will no doubt mix with the blood in my mouth)? Thank you so much for your help. May Allah bless you.

Wudhu breaking due to a gas problem

Q: Gas problem.

The problem is: When I go to make wudu I feel like gas is going to come out and I am unable to ignore that feeling and I get uncomfortable. If I make a fresh wudu for each prayer and leave that gas to come or not no problem then I can attain comfort. To do this I need to ignore that certain gas is coming out while making wudu. If I do this and sometimes gas comes or I feel like gas is coming which might be certain then I should ignore both cases or else if I start to make sure nothing has come out then I will again be in state of uncomfortableness. Regarding doubts Ii know that they should be ignored but i get doubts which can't be just ignored because of their "closeness to certainity" or "certainity itslef". So i thought of doing this:

Make wudu and pray and ignore the gas even if I am certain whether it be during wudu or prayer or after prayer etc. This gave me a relief. Can I continue this?