
Wind problem

Q: I have digestive problems, one of them problem is if I don't empty my stomach, I get a lot of wind coming out. Now this created difficulty because wind can break the wudu. I was told if it constantly happens, then your wudhu wouldn't break so it that true? My problem is sometimes I get a lot of wind coming out, sometime I don't. I have illness in my stomach so am I excused person when wind breaks out my wudu wouldn't break?

Vaginal discharge


1. What is the ruling if a woman has vaginal discharge every now and then, does she have to break her salaah and make wudu again?

2. Can she recite the Quran?

3. Does she have to change her clothes?

4. Please make dua that I can read my fajar salah daily. I am trying hard but I cannot wake up for fajar. Please make dua and tell me a way that I never miss my salah.

Urine drops after making istinja

Q: As a person suffering from voluntary drops of urine after making Istinja'a, in prayer and in some other times.

1- Can I pray like that?

2- Can I lead salaahs? People sometimes choose me to lead the salaah because I have memorized the Qur'an.

3- Whenever I go to the mosque, I also pray nawaafils. After I reach home, I use to recite the Qur'an, must I re-perform ablution for the recitation or I will use that of the salaah, for all the time wasted?

4- I heard that a person like me can't perform two obligatory prayers with one ablution, when will I perform ablution for each salaah? Is it after or before adhaan?

5- If after maghrib I stay at the mosque, if it comes to time for isha'i, must I perform istinja'a before ablution?

6- Can I pray more salaah with that cloth?

Laws pertaining to a ma'zoor

Q: I am suffering from vaginal discharge which is quite random and taking medicine for it. During a day, sometimes I have it every 2,3, or 5 minutes, and at other times, after 2-3 hours. Many times it happens that I perform wadu, stand on the musallah to perform salaah and during salaah I feel the discharge. Since I am performing qadha salaah as well, sometimes it takes 25 minutes for me to remain on the musallah. But due to this discharge, I don't know what to do as wudhu breaks. Please guide.

Urine incontinence

Q: I am suffering from urine incontinence. It is very difficult for me to perform salaah without urine coming out. Do I qualify as a ma'zoor? Please explain to me how a person becomes a ma'zoor.