
Ma'zoor making new wudhu for tawaaf

Q: I am leaving for hajj in a few days time insha Allah. I have a problem of continous discharge. I am maazoor.

1. If for example I am travelling and I stop to read zohr namaaz. After reading my zohr namaaz can I make a new wudhu immediatley with the intention of asr or do I have to wait for the next salaah time to set in and then make a fresh wudhu?

2. Can I just make a fresh wudhu before every namaaz without changing my panty liner?

3. After performing salaah in the haram do I have to make a fresh wudhu before I start tawaaf?

And what happens if for example I am performing tawaaf and the time for the asr sets in, do I have to make a new wudhu for asr salaah and after performing asr salaah do I have to make a new wudhu again to complete my tawaaf?


Q: My issue is that I have urine drops problem. It is not specific to the time when I use the toilet, rather it is continuous. Sometimes a drop or two leaks after a few minutes and sometimes half an hour may also pass without any drops. I mean there is no regular pattern according to which one may follow the ruling for maintaining wuzu/taharah. Cannot decide on wether I should consider myself as mazoor or not. What method should I apply to safeguard my ibadaat?

And what is the boundary regarding ascertaining by one's ownself about leakage of drops? I ask this becuase even when drops leak within a few minutes, I do not specifically know that at this instant wuzu has broken. Shall I consider this lack of knowledge of the wuzu breaking event continuity of wuzu and keep doing ibadat. If yes, for what duration shall I continue the said consideration i.e. can I go on to pray the witr and taraweeh with wuzu for faraiz?

Vaginal discharge

Q: I have a problem of vaginal discharge. Whenever I put my finger inside to check It feels wet but I don't feel it without putting finger as its inside and sometimes I feel that the discharge coming out and sometimes its white discharge which leaves a stain in my dress. Am I ma'zoor in every state? And sometime blood comes out but as the discharge happens normally I cant distinguish between blood and discharge without seeing. In this case what should I do? If I see blood stain after performing my salaah?


Q: If I experience pre-seminal leakage that is apparent in every salah time am I excused or not? I cannot feel it come out but I know it will be there in every salah time although it isn't constantly flowing. It causes me great difficulty having to check everytime if something has come out... because I may be reading salah or Quran and fear that my wudu has broken but I wouldn't even feel it. If someone were excused do they need to wash the private area everytime and does the cloth covering the private part need to be changed everytime?

Ma'zoor during preganancy

Q: During pregnancy, especially in the last two months, the expected mother gets vaginal discharge. Sometimes she makes wuzu and just starts to offer 4 farz during 2nd rakat she feels a bit discharge as small as a 1rs coin (pakistani currency) . Does her wuzu break? Does She need to make wuzu again and offer prayer again? What if its zohr prayer and during 4 sunnah and then again during 4 farz she gets discharge? Is this vaginal discharge exempted because its specifically related to pregnancy and the last months and sometimes related to some days of pregnancy.

Ma'zoor due to passing wind

Q: I am having a problem of passing wind. For one salah I make 4-5 times wudu because of this problem.

1. My question is that am I considered a mazoor?

2. If a person had said his salah when he is continuously passing wind and after some time of completion of his salah if he got rid of gaseous problem and salah time was there should that person repeat salah?