
Flatulence problem

Q: I will try to describe my problem as accurately as possible. For over a month I have been having problems with "flatulence", but it is not like normal flatulence, because I can still break wind normally (able to hold, release, etc). It is irregular outside of wudu and salaah, but mostly during those times I have been experiencing bubbles/fart leaks that are uncontrollable and odourless and noiseless mostly. I have actually not in the last couple of days managed to go without this problem for the duration of making wudu until the completion of the salaah. Outside of the wudu or salah, it happens irregularly like sometimes when I squat I feel something. Look, I even take precautions before starting wudu like squatting, trying to expel any gas, but it still doesn't work. I haven't tried to go as long as I can to try and make a wudu and salah without it happening (like re-doing wudu and salah until I manage it), really, I don't know if I could. Maybe I could. But then that would be hardship. I don't prolong salah or wudu either.. I wash my limbs once, do salah quickly as well.., doesn't stop it from happening. I mean after sometime repeating wudu, I could go to last rak'ah in salah and then it happens. Really frustrating.

Preparing in advance for Salaah due to urine problems

Q: Islam is a religion of ease not of hardship, it is very well mentioned in the Qur'an and hadith about this easiness. I am suffering from urine incontinence. I have realised that I am not a mazoor, but for praying one namaaz I have to make wudhu 3 to 4 time and every time I have to wash my private part, whether I pray on time or later I have to face this hardship. It is really very difficult. So why there is hardship when there is so much easiness in Islam? I am missing my salaah because I can't take this hardship. I am really upset with myself because I can't worship my Allah who has given me so much. Please help find a easy way for me.

Can a ma'zoor lead the Salaah

Q: I have already received a reply from muftionline that I cannot make imaamat if I suffer from urinary incontinence. What happens if I live in a small town and I'm the only one that could lead the namaaz and I suffer from urinary incontinence then will I be able to lead the namaaz?

Waiting for a little while after istinja

Q: I have a weak bladder due to which I cannot hold urine. After doing istinjaa I know if I will wash my private part and during washing if I try to hold my bladder, urine will come out because it cannot hold my urine which come's out due to pressure put by me trying to hold my bladder. Am I still considered mazoor? Can I still make wudhu when I know that urine drops which come out is because I have tried to hold my bladder during washing my private part? I mean before washing my private part I know if I hold my bladder, urine will come out due to it's weakness and I still make wudhu. Will my wudhu be valid? I know your ruling regarding mazoor and sorry for asking a confusing question.

Ma'zoor due to urine drops

Q: I have asked many times these questions regarding a mazoor with incontinence of urine, but my problems are getting worse. It is very difficult for me to wash my private part and clothes for every Salaah. I don't want to leave my prayer. Can I only make wudhu and pray namaz and Qur'an, because it is very hard to wash the private part and clothes for every Salaah for a mazoor like me? Please guide me according to Hadith.

Urine drops problem

Q: I am a mazoor suffering from urine incontinence. I have 3 questions:

1. After making istinjaa and before making wudhu I always drip some urine in between, can I still make wudhu?

2. If a mazoor intentionally urinates one or two drop of urine, is his wudhu still valid?

3. Is reciting Qur'an forgiven for a mazoor?

Ma'zoor reciting Qur'an Shareef

Q: I am a mazoor suffering from incontinence of urine

1. Is reciting Qur'an shareef forgiven for me because of weak bladder?

2. During namaz urine keeps coming out because of weak bladder. I know my wudhu wont break but urine comes out at every action of my body and I can't control actions like (sitting, walking, putting pressure on bladder). So I know when I will be sitting a drop of urine will come out, so is my wudhu still valid or I have to make new wudhu? Remember I am mazoor suffering from urine incontinence from starting till end.

Discharge problem

Q: I am a very doubtful person and I might be suffering from OCD but I am trying to recover slowly. Sometimes when I have to go somewhere at night like to a dinner with my parents I make wudu before I start getting ready so I can be sure to pray maghrib before I leave but when I don't get ready I will doubt if I my wudu has broken or not because I get discharge all the time but I have heard that this doesn't require wudu, but discharge when one thinks of something inappropriate does require wudu. With OCD I can't control thoughts that come into my head so I am trying to learn to just let them pass and not effect me because the more I try to get rid of bad thoughts the more they come. So I am trying to just let them pass. But when I think that did my wudu break, I say no then I am like did I get any bad thoughts and that brings bad thoughts into my mind. I can't control it. They will pass if I don't pay attention to them but if I obsess over it then it gets very stressful for me and I start to panic so I can never keep my wudu and always have to do it again. because a thought will come into my head and I can't control it. What do I do in this case because there is never enough time to go do wudu again because everyone is getting ready to leave so I either have to read namaz when I get home or make everyone upset because they have to wait for me and this happens all the time. I can never keep my wudu for longer than a duration of a namaz and sometimes even then I will get bad thoughts but I ignore those or else I would never be able to finish a single namaz. What do I do in this case do I always do wudu or can I just keep it as long as I haven't passed gas or went to the bathroom because this causes me a lot of hardship as I always have to renew my wudu before namaaz. Also if my zuhr got delayed because I was out and I prayed it as soon as I could at home and one hour later it was asr, do I do wudu again if the thoughts come because during a situation like this it becomes very hard to make wudu when I just did it an hour ago. Please give me advice on what I should do. I can't just stop the thoughts because me trying to do that just makes it worse. So i'm slowly trying to lean to lessen them as my OCD gets better. Please if you could offer some advice.

Wind problem

Q: My question is that while praying namaz, I release gas frequently. According to deobandi hanafi maslak, can I keep praying namaz with that same wudhu or I need to break my namaaz and do wudhu again and start praying namaz again?