
Ma'zoor changing his clothes before each Salaah

Q: I am suffering from incontinence of urine. I know I am a mazoor and have to make wudhu, but I am finding it very difficult to wash the private part and to wash or change clothes for every prayer. It is getting very hard for me to pray. Please find an easy way for me to pray namaz and quran. I am very much afraid of not praying. I don't want to spoil my aakhirat. I want to be close to Allah Ta'ala. Please guide me according to Islam.

Should a ma'zoor make istinja before every Salaah?

Q: Islam has allowed a mazoor with urinary incontinence to pray Quran and namaz with new wudhu but what about istinja? My situation is not good. I really want to pray all namaz but I am finding it very difficult. I have two questions?

1. Do we need to do istinja before every wudhu and

2. If I am out and I don't find any private place for istinja, so in this case do I have to only make wudhu and pray namaaz?

Urine drops problem

Q: I have always suffered from the disease of urinary dribbling, but recently it has become aggravated and I have fallen into the category of ma'adhur (one with a chronic excuse). My question is a two-part question related to my current situation:

1) A few weeks ago I was praying Isha (and some other prayers along with it). Unfortunately I was also in a state of sexual excitement at the time (no erection, but just a feeling of excitement). During my prayer I felt some najasat exiting my penis several times, but since I was already ma'adhur, I continued praying. My concern is that the najasat was prostatic fluid, and the prayers became invalid.

2) On another occasion I was standing in prayer and I got this sudden urge to urinate (which was not there at the time I started Salah), and I was trying to suppress the urge and the pressure, but some urine did exit at the time. However, within less than a minute the urge just disappeared, and I continued praying (and prayed several other prayers too) with that wudhu. Does this situation also fall within the realm of my normal udhur or should I have stopped my prayer and repeated my wudhu?

Discharge from the back passage

Q: I have these problem. Sometimes when I release gas I have some white fluid come out of my back passage. Sometimes it is not possible to wash my back at work as there are no proper jugs to use so I just wipe it dry using tissue. I understand you must use flowing water to wash of the stool. My question is if there is no smell or physical trace of faeces are my underpants deemed still to be pure? I don't smell anything on them, I can't ascertain whether the colour of the stool gets on my underpants as they are dark colours. But there is no smell or physical stool there.

Urine problem

Q: I leak pre seminal liquid very often. I was told I am a mazoor and just to make fresh wudu for every fardh salaah. My question is I also leak urine quite a few times. Does the same rule of mazoor apply? Or should I take precaution and repeat that salaah? What if that salaah time has gone?


Q: How many types of mazoor are there? What Nabi salallahu alaihi wasallam said about the mazoor person?

Urine problem

Q: I have a problem with my bladder (control of my urine) and I also have a problem with really bad doubts and I can't keep my self paak to pray namaz. What shall I do?

Urine drops problem

Q: Mufti Saheb you have helped me many times with urinary incontinence problem. My problem is getting worse everyday. Can you tell me how should I recite Qur'an because drops of urine come even at the time of istinja. I can't even do istinjaa properly, so please answer me how should I recite Qur'an?