
Can the one appointed to purchase make a profit?

Q: I need Shar'ee guidance regarding a certain trading transaction:

My relative asked me to buy a washing machine for him. The washing machine cost Rs.3000 for example.

1. Can I inform my relative that the machine cost Rs.5,000? He does not know that I will charge him extra. 

2. Can I first inform my relative that I started selling washing machines and then charge him Rs.5,000?

Wakeel using the zakaat and thereafter paying the zakaat from his own wealth

Q: I have a relative who is liable for zakaat. I informed my aunt that I am collecting zakaat for someone without giving the name. My aunt gave me R500 Zakaat. I then went to the shop for buying something but ran short of money. I used the R500 with the view of replacing with my own money later. I then took my own R500 and gave it to my relative. Is my aunt's zakaat discharged?

Does a widow need her brother's permission to get married?

Q: I was married before and have a son who was born within my marriage and now I am divorced and would like to remarry. However I have no relationship at all with my eldest brother who supposed to be my wakeel, as he does not acknowledge me and he even calls me a Kaafir infront of people. He always insults me infront of others. He does not greet me back when I greet him and he is also someone that had been for hajj and prays 5 times a day. He is my fathers eldest son from his first wife and I am the youngest daughter of the 2nd wife. Both my mother and our father passed on. My question is if I would like to get married, do I need his permission since I have already been married, as I am trying to be the better person but he does not allow me to as I have now decided to keep my distance from him.

Loyalty points

Q: A person gave me money in order to purchase some items for him from an online store. This online store has a 'Loyalty Programme' where one receives 'reward/loyalty' points in proportion to a fixed percentage of the total purchase price. I have now received these 'reward/loyalty points' in direct lieu of the purchase I made using his money. The 'reward/loyalty points' for this purchase amount to R450. These points are not exchangeable for cash. Furthermore, I only received these points after making payment; I could not use these points to receive a discount on his purchase. Since I used his money, am I entitled to these points? Or must I give him R450 in cash (as one cannot send/transfer points)?