asking for divorce

Husband telling wife to write divorce

Q: I have a doubt in my mind over a situation 9 years back. I asked my husband to write divorce to me. He said that I must write it myself, meaning to say divorce written by wife will not be of any validity. Now I doubt whether he gave me the right to divorce and I am uncertain whether I had written the words of divorce 3 times or not. What is the ruling?

Marital problems

Q: My husband has 2 wives. I am his 1st wife with no kids. From the 2nd wife he has 2 kids. One passed away. After getting married to the 2nd wife, his behaviour changed toward me. He is very bad towards me and very good towards her. He scolds me for every small mistake and sometimes beats me if I oppose him or if I'm rude to him. One day I asked him why his behaviour to his 2nd wife is very good. He said that she is not understanding and patient like me. So if he hurts her then she will not let him meet his child. When I asked him that why is his behaviour bad with me. He said that many times he feels angry with his mother, sister, friends, relatives and 2nd wife. But he cant hurt them and he doesnt want to lose them by behaving bad. So he takes out all his anger and frustration on me because losing me is not a big deal since I cant give him children in future.

I cant tell to my parents and every body else is telling me to have patience. I am in depression. How can I explain to my husband that Allah is watching his actions? 

Requesting a divorce from one's husband

Q: My husband is interested in other women. He stares at other women and he has told me that he cannot stop his eyes by staring at other women. He talks to every renter i.e. women. He makes other women sit on his bike by telling silly reasons and he even took pictures of our servant on his mobile. He texts awkward messeges to facebook girlfreinds. I made many duas in order to take him on the right path but his behaviour is not changing. Now I'm fed up with him and I cannot bear him anymore. My in law's also never take care about me. I wanted to take divorce, is it permissible?

Separating from one's husband who is involved in zina

Q: If a husband is continuously involved in zina and is not even guilty of it, does the wife have the right to get separated? If yes, can she file a divorce instead of khula? Is such a right given to her in her nikaah agreement? What are the regulations in relation to khula and divorce? Can she give divorce? Does she have the right in her nikaah documentation according to sunnah? He will try to humiliate her to protect his image and even kill her if he comes to know that she knows he is a zaani. He will make it as painful for her as possible because thats the kind of person he is.

Marital problems

Q: If a husband is continuously involved in zina and is not even guilty of it, does the wife have a right to get separated? If yes, can she file a divorce instead of khula if such a right is given to her in her nikaah agreement? What are the regulations in relation to khula and divorce?

First wife requesting a divorce

Q: My first wife has said to me that if I go abroad to meet my second wife then I must give her (my first wife) divorce first. She is already living in a separate room from mine. She has had many outbursts before. The latest outburst came when she saw my passport. I have pleaded with and asked her in every way to be patient for the sake of the kids, but it seems that she does not see anyone besides herself. I have talked to her father but he has given up also and there is no one further I can ask to interfere and bring some kind of reconciliation between us. I do not want to divorce anyone.

Marital problems

Q: My husband cheated on me and got another wife but he doesn't take any care of me or my baby. Its been 2 years now. He never takes any responsibility of me and our baby. He is too busy with his new wife. He never contacts me or when I call he uses bad language and tells lies. Can I ask for divorce?

Husband asking for talaaq

Q: My husband is very abusive and has anger issues. He is physically, verbally and emotionally abusive. Whenever he is in this state, he tells me our marriage is over. Our last fight I decided to go as I was hurt. We text daily and he would be nice and some times ugly. Yesterday he texted. I want my Talaaq, I want my Talaaq you better arrange my Talaaq, is this valid as a Talaaq? 

Asking husband for a divorce

Q: Im separated with my husband for nine months now. Due to the emotional problems I went through with my mother in law and my husband hasn't supported me in that and even whilst separated, I've tried through three moulaanas to make it work but there has been no improvement or any sort of support either. I've had many emotional breakdowns but now I finally want a talaq. Please help me as I can't keep going on like this.