Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Discharge during haidh

Q: I have two questions pertaining discharge during haidh.

1. I thought I had released discharge and went to check but when I wiped, it felt pretty dry and all i saw on the paper was slight dampness. the discharge i had prior to this was discoloured, so i believed im still in hayd. can i assume that the dampness i saw was normal dampness and that im still in hayd?

2. In another incident today, after i was done relieving myself and i washed myself, i wiped where my discharge comes out to check and i didnt really see proper discharge - all i saw on the paper i wiped with was dampness/wetness. can i assume that what i saw is just water from istinja?

Maximum period of nifaas

Q: I have a few doubts regarding a woman's impurity after child delivery. I request you to please provide all answers with references so that I can educate my wife and other dependent ladies at my home

1. Exactly how long does a woman remain impure after child delivery? There is an old woman's saying that 40 days is the minimum period. If a woman's bleeding stops after 7 days, but she has irregular bleeding every alternate day or once in 3 days, what will the period be?

2. After the impurity period, can she do everything like praying, reading Quran and physical relationship with her husband?

3. Does she have to make up for the missed prayers during her impurity?

Coloured discharge seen during the days of haidh

Q: I have clear and also yellowish discharge on a daily basis. I may begin my period in 4/5 days. I’m getting yellowish discharge - but this is, as I said, normal for me. However, I’m also getting lower abdomen pain. Like a twinging feeling - it seems a little similar to cramps. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to count this as haidh. What usually happens to me every month is, I see brownish discharge (which is old blood, so I know for sure it is hayd) then I see regular brown/red blood. But if yellow discharge is considered blood, then what do I do in this situation? Some women go through something called ‘pre-menstrual syndrome’ a week or two before our periods. I’m not sure if the cramp like feelings are a result of this syndrome or not or even something else.