Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Haidh ending during the salaah time

Q: When my period ends and the time for salah is still there, I understand that the specific salah of that time is obligatory to read. I have more of an inclination to believe that this is what I did in the past months where my period ended - before I had learnt of this fact and I’d like to think that even if my period had ended and I didn't have enough time to do ghusl and read salah in the time, I still did qadha but because I’m not 100% sure, do I have to make qada of all the previous months on the day in which my period ended to be sure or can I leave it?

Haidh commencing in the salaah time

Q: In the past I never really paid attention to making up prayers that I missed due to the adhan beginning before I was able to read that prayer.

I forgot the ruling (e.g. if menses stops at isha then pray maghrib and isha and if menses begins at zuhr and one hasn't prayed it, then they have to make it up later).

I’m going to make up the prayer I missed for the recent menstruation cycle I had. Am I allowed to forget about the ones I might have missed in the previous months? It would require me to have to look at past prayer times from different timetables and make estimates and I may have to make up a lot of prayers.

Irregular haidh

Q: I am a 30 year old woman. I never had a fixed cycle since I got baaligh. Sometimes I bleed after 35 days and next time after 2 months. Sometimes bleeding continues for 4 days and other times for 6 days. I never know when I will bleed. Bleeding always lasts between 3 to 10 days, means it is never less than 3 days and never more than 10 days. After it stops it never comes before 30 days.

My question is sometimes I noticed yellow discharge for once i.e, less than a 1 day time and again the yellow discharge is followed by white discharge. So what should I do? Should I take ghusl and offer my salah or wudhu is sufficient. I really don't know when the actual haidh (bleeding) is going to start. It may be 8 days later or so. The yellow discharge is not continuous. It is for a single time only. Again it is followed by white discharge. 

1. So what is my pure period?

2. If yellow discharge happens after 15 days of cleanliness (tuhr) and before actual bleeding and the yellow discharge is found only once or for less than a day time and again white discharged is followed then what should I do.

Can I make ghusl after I see white discharge and perform my salah. What if in case again after 3 to 5 days later I found yellow discharge for once and again followed by white discharge. What should I do in this situation? I always remain clean for more than 30 days.

3. I am planning an umrah trip. My problem is I don't know my actual date of my menstruation. So if it happens that if in the state of ihram if I found yellow discharge then what should I do. Can I make wudhu and perform umrah? I am really confused what should I do.

Irregular bleeding

Q: I am now 41 years old and for the pass 3 or 4 years I have been getting haidh for more than 10days. It first starts off with a brown discharge and after a a day or two I start to bleed for 7 days and thereafter I have the brown discharge again for the next few days. This whole discharge and bleeding goes on for more than 10 to 12 days. Do I start counting my days from the day of discharge or the day I start bleeding and must I go back to following what my past habit was 7 to 8 days a few years ago or do I have a ghusul after 10 days?