Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Bleeding less than 15 days between two haidh

Q: As per aadat, I took a bath on Wednesday 29 November to get paak, afterwards I noticed that I am not paak. There was a slight change in color, was not completely white. Then the next day November 30 I remained in doubt- to pray or not to pray, but finally took bath and started praying, I prayed asar, magrib, Isha and so on. Now on December 14, at fajar time I experienced bleeding. Is this haidh or istihaza?

Spotting after intimacy

Q: Whenever I have physical relations, then I get blood spotting with discharge for at least one day thereafter, but this is not haiz. Can I perform salah in that condition and without gusl can I involve again in physical relations?

Reciting an amal during haidh

Q: A few weeks back my father met a Moulana, who gave him an amal to perform for solution to any problems.

Starting on a Thursday night either after Maghrib or Esha salaah, without communicating with anyone, one should recite the following 11 Durood before and after 70 X Surah Fatiha on Thursday and should be decreased by 10 each day thereafter. The amal should be repeated for 5 weeks without any breaks.

I would like to that during the period that a female experiences her menses, does she stop performing the amal during the time and restart on the first Thursday after she becomes paak or can she continue performing the amal.

Irregular haidh

Q: I’ve been having irregular periods ever since the first time I got it, 3 years ago. I get the brown spottings/discharge which I am told is considered as my period. Recently I got my period regularly for two months in a row. Till last month which I did not get it at all. I then got the spottings at the end of October and beginning of November and considered that my period. After those 10 days were over, I got my actual blood period 8 days later last Saturday.

My question is which one is considered my period? And do I not pray my salah for this period and make Qadha for all the missed ones last time or consider this as haiz and pray my Salah’s while I’m on my blood period right now?