Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Calculating the days of haidh

Q: Can you please tell me the duration of my period . I have heavy bleeding for 4 days.Then next 2 days i have light bleeding. On the 7th and 8th day, i notice blood when i wipe tissue paper, but it may happen that on these two days, bleeding comes interrupted. For example i have bleeding at 6:00 am, then on 08;00 am, it stops. Then again at 10:00 am bleeding happens. It continúes for 2 days. On 9th day i see no bleeding. So can you please tell me the length of my períod?And what should i do on the last two days when bleeding comes interrupted?

Bleeding less than 15 days between two haidh

Q: As per aadat, I took a bath on Wednesday 29 November to get paak, afterwards I noticed that I am not paak. There was a slight change in color, was not completely white. Then the next day November 30 I remained in doubt- to pray or not to pray, but finally took bath and started praying, I prayed asar, magrib, Isha and so on. Now on December 14, at fajar time I experienced bleeding. Is this haidh or istihaza?

Spotting after intimacy

Q: Whenever I have physical relations, then I get blood spotting with discharge for at least one day thereafter, but this is not haiz. Can I perform salah in that condition and without gusl can I involve again in physical relations?

Reciting an amal during haidh

Q: A few weeks back my father met a Moulana, who gave him an amal to perform for solution to any problems.

Starting on a Thursday night either after Maghrib or Esha salaah, without communicating with anyone, one should recite the following 11 Durood before and after 70 X Surah Fatiha on Thursday and should be decreased by 10 each day thereafter. The amal should be repeated for 5 weeks without any breaks.

I would like to that during the period that a female experiences her menses, does she stop performing the amal during the time and restart on the first Thursday after she becomes paak or can she continue performing the amal.