Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Irregular bleeding

Q: I have a lot of irregular bleeding due to my implant... I usually bleed inbetween periods but I know when its haiz, but this time..


I bled for 6 days 19th-24 Thur for 12 days

Then bleeding since but had sexual intercourse on the 12th Nov thinking it was istihaada but I'm still bleeding to date... Will that be my haiz if so am I sinful? I am really worried..

Bleeding after nifaas

Q: I recently had my 3rd baby and on the 25th day started prayers after taking ghusl as the bleeding had stopped. But on the 40th day the bleeding started and thinking that periods have started I stopped praying but the bleeding stopped by evening. I waited one day to confirm and when the bleeding didn't come took ghusl and started praying. But after 2 days again the bleeding started. This time also it stopped by evening. I have not yet taken ghusl as don't know what to do. Please let me know if it's nifaas or haiz or something else. And should I wait further or take ghusl and start praying? What about prayers missed?

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I am confused whether my bleeding is istidah or posnatal. I had an eptopic pregnancy at 11 weeks. My treatment for eptopic pregnancy involved a D and C and an special injection to terminate the eptopic pregnancy. Since the treatment I have been on heavy bleeding for almost 5 weeks and now on my 6th week I am still getting brown discharge. My doctor said the bleeding lasted so long because of the injection and she also said that though this is not a postnatal bleeding, she recommended me to wait for 6 weeks until I start praying. Now that I am at the end of my sixth week, I am still having the brown discharge after the 5 week long heavy bleeding. Should I start praying or not? Please advise.

Discharge after haidh


1. A woman has a discharge problem all the time. Sometimes the discharge is clear and at times it is a yellow colour. If she has her haidh for 7 days i.e. blood and brown discharge and after the 7th day she starts her normal discharge i.e. clear for a little while and then yellow then will this yellow discharge be haidh?

2. Should she wait for ten to pass and then take a ghusl ?

Checking to see when haidh terminates

Q: I have been having great difficulty figuring out when my period ends. I usually do not see a white discharge after my menses so I often have to keep checking for dryness. I read that the way to check for dryness is to insert a cotton ball or tissue and see if anything is left on it.

My question is (I'm sorry if it is a bit graphic):

1. What does it mean exactly by 'insert'? As in right before the inner lips of the private part or actually 'insert' into it?

2. Do I let it wait there or remove it immediately?

3. How regularly should I do this?

I would appreciate an answer according to the Hanafi fiqh.