Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Vaginal discharge

Q: If a thick material (ratoobat) of white colour is released at an irregular intervals from the woman's vagina and on drying leaves a light brown brown spot. Does its release break wudu or not?

Does it make clothes napaak?

Is it istihaza? Because it is after haidh and after release of light Brown thick material which lasts for 9 or 10 or more days after haidh.

If thick material (ratoobat) of light brown colour is released at irregular intervals from woman's vagina after the 10 days of haidh and also leaves coloured spot on drying, is it istihaza or not?

It breaks wudu or not?

It makes clothes napaak or not?

After istihaza taking ghusul(bath) is compulsory or not?

Yellow discharge

Q: I just needed to ask two questions regarding haidh:

1. Is yellow discharge at the ending of haidh regarded haidh or istihadha?

2. What if the is slight sign of blood but most is yellow?

Irregular bleeding

Q: How should a woman determine when to start praying after her menses? For example, if she has discharge for 3 days only so should she start praying after 3 days or she has to wait up to 6 or 7 days. What should she do if she thinks she has finished her menses and starts praying and then later she sees more blood or a brown discharge?

Bleeding due to medication

Q: My question is a woman who never gets periods neither can she give birth, if she takes medicine monthly and because of those pills she discharges blood, is that considered as periods? If she skips her medicine, then theres no discharge of blood. Please answer me soon. It's very important.

Wearing purda part time

Q: I like to know the ruling on a woman wearing niqab on a part time basis. Say for instance when she knows she will be around non mahram men in a work environment. Will she be rewarded for covering up at those times. A friend has told me this is permissable. Please let me know.

Irregular bleeding

Q: İ have a problem with my period days. Sometimes it lasts for 9 or 11 and sometimes to 14 but just after the 9th day I have brown discharge. This discharge can be in the morning and stops for the rest of the day. Then it can come back late at night or the next day so I wait till all these discharges finish and to be sure that I am clean then I make ghusl.

1. Am I guilty for not making ghusal and praying in the time where the discharge stops before coming back again? Plus I heard a sheikh said it is OK to wait for one day to make sure that you are clean and then do ghusl.

2. Is it really permissible to wait as he said?