Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Vaginal discharge

Q: When I was cleaning my private area after urination, I was washing and got this weird feeling from the water in my private area and i noticed a bit of discharge but like i didn't feel like I was tired. Am I napaak now from that? Please reply.

Irregular bleeding

Q: I have a question regarding haidh. I have always been regular with my period. Every month more or less at the same time I get it. However I went for an op and I am on medication. This has left me spotting continuously. How do I work out my haidh days. Do I work on 10 days haidh and 15 clean days in between?

Irregular bleeding

Q: A woman started her haiz on the 19/07 at 1:20pm and had a ghusl on the 26/07 at 4:00pm (normal habit is about 7 days). After that she experienced normal clear discharge on the days that followed. (She normally has a continuous clear discharge out of haiz). However, on the 28/07 at 1:30pm she noticed a small streak of blood in the clear discharge. Is this counted as part of her haiz and does she need to make another ghusal?


Q: I have asked you my question few days ago. I also want to say that I had a beige colour discharge? As I saw that before passing urine which I hadn't passed for a long time and a darker colour discharge once during the day. I usually use khursuf so that how I saw it and I am a doubtful person so I am a bit confused as to how should I count? this is the 18th day of my cycle.

Irregular bleeding

Q: My haidh is very irregular, so much so that it is extremely difficult to calculate it correctly. When I am not sure as to whether I am experiencing haidh or istihaza, should I continue reading namaaz till I am certain?

Irregular bleeding due to taking a pill

Q: A sister spotted first day (Thursday night) then immediately took the pill. She did not spot at all for 6 days. She had forgotten to take the pill at lunch time on Wednesday and then she spotted immediately. She then took the pill she had forgotten to take and the spotting stopped. Is the 6 days her haidh days? Can she make ghusal and read Salaah as she is clean now? She leaves for home on Saturday after which she will stop the pill and this will start her proper bleeding. So which days are her haidh days? Does the first six days which are tuhr are they haidh days or after she stops the pills are those haidh days?

Irregular bleeding

Q: I would like to know how to work out my period as my cycle has changed. I still have the marina on. During these last few months I bled very little. For example I get a brown discharge for two days and then 14 or 15 days later I get a red discharge for two days. So basically throughout the month I'm bleeding for about four days on and off. How do I work out my period? I also get a whitish yellow discharge often. Will I count that as period blood also? This month I never bleed at all for about 22 days and then I bled for about 6 days. I'm very confused as I don't know which days to count as my period and which are my clean days. I want to keep my qadhas before Ramadan but I'm not sure on which days I should fast.