Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Irregular bleeding

Q: I had my haidh on the 8th of july. I finished six days later. On the 1st of Aug I started spotting very little seven days early from my normal day that I get it. I am thinking it might be implantation bleeding (bleeding that occurs if you are pregnant). Do I regard it as haidh not read salaah/quraan etc or carry on as normal? As if it is implantation bleeding it means I am pregnant.

Irregular bleeding

Q: A lady doesn't have a fixed time for her periods. It sometimes comes after a year, sometimes after six months sometimes after 3 months. The days it last for also vary. Sometimes 5 days, sometimes 10 days, sometimes 12 days. How many days does the husband have to wait after it ends before he can have relations with her?

Irregular bleeding

Q: I'm suffering from a gynecological disease and I just got a procedure done by the doctor. With that I will get irregular bleeding and a lot of brown discharge which I assume is blood. I want to know that with this bleeding can I fast during the month of Ramadan and pray. It is said that menstrual bleeding will be irregular so I'm not sure if it's menstrual bleeding or its due to the procedure done. This will go on for 3 to 6 months. Some days I get it some days I don't. Please let me know what can I do?

Removing hair during haidh

Q: I have a few questions to ask which I am in doubt about.

1. Are women allowed to remove hair from any part of the body example arms, legs or face during her hayz or nifaas.

2. Is a woman on haidh or nifaas allowed to read any wazifa that is from the quran? Example any quranic ayat as a wazifa during her monthly cycle or not.

3. If a women has sideburns is she allowed to thread them or shave them if the are really long?

Irregular bleeding

Q: I'm feeding my baby. During feeding, my period is irregular. First month by month just had spots, not bleeding so I waited until 3 days then I performed ghusal. Soon I had same spots after 20 days. Again I waited 3 days, then performed ghusal and now I have blood spot after 8 days of my period. So should I wait for 3 days because it's just spots for two days. Please confirm.

Irregular bleeding

Q: If a female usually menstruates for 6-7 days but this week due to reasons had an odd cycle where she took a shower on the 5 day which was Wednesday and the next day in the evening (Thursday) checked her pad and she thinks she saw brown/yellow (can't remember for sure) but then changes her pad and that night (Thrusday) and changed it again but can't remember if she saw nothing or the littlest bit of yellow/brown discharge. 1) When should he consider her period to be over? Which namaz did she miss for that day? Usually she has a lot more bleeding but this time since she was washing a lot in that area it was shorter cycle. 2) When should she have showered. Thursday or Friday like she normally would?


Q: I have heard that a woman is napaak for 40 days after baby birth. What if bleeding stops after 3 weeks? Is she still supposed to be napaak for 40days?