Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Irregular bleeding

Q: My question is that I got short time stop pregnancy injection but the reason is that after that I am bleeding since ten days and before injection I hadn't  got my periods too. So can you help me, is it my period or the bleeding is just because of the injection? Should I make ghusal and pray if I am still bleeding? What shall I do?

Irregular bleeding after putting a loop

Q: I had the marina loop put in, in December last year. I bled continuously for about five months and thereafter I used to spot every other day or every few days. I used to count my period as 10 days and then count a 15 day clean period. I wanted to know if what I was doing is correct or should I have followed my habit that I had previously. I'm not completely sure what was my habit before exactly because sometimes I used have my period for 8, 9 or 10 days what should I do? Right now I spot every few days so how do I count my period?

Irregular bleeding

Q: My last period date was 26 june till 1 july2015, but before 8 days I felt some unclear discharge which was not reddish but yellowish like, and after finishing periods this discharge remained for four days but I was still fasting at those discharge days, so my question is that did I do qada of 7 days fast, its enough or that four days of discharge after the period will also consider be considered as impure? Should I do qada for these four days also?

Making umrah in the state of istihaazah

Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and want to perform umrah on Sunday (9 August ) before returning to South Africa. However, my menstruation has begun today (7 August) and my last period ended on 26 July (it was the full ten days). The space between then and now is 12 days and I am still performing my salah as to my knowledge there has to be a 15 day gap. Can I preform umrah or not?

Discharge after haidh

Q: If a lady after experiencing about 6 days of haidh and from the seventhday slightly coloured discharge, will it be regarded as haidh if

1. The discharge is white when wet but coloured after drying

2. It is very slightly brown/yellow (not pure white) when wet but white when dry and:

a. If it is so little that it does not stain the pad but when making istinjaa it is felt that there was discharge, and now the colour is not known, what should be done?

b. If a lady becomes paak one hour before shoot, does Esha Salaah and taraweeh become fardh on her?