
Husband unhappy to accept khula

Q: I requested my husband to give me permission for Khula a day before my menses date, although he didn't want to give khula he accepted my request and said ‘I give you permission for Khula’. I tried to return his haq meher but he refused to take it and said he forgives it. Upon insisting he took 5000 out of 5 lac. 

After that I came back to my parents house and I assumed my Iddah started, after few hours the same day I had my menses. 

Please note all this happened only between me and my husband. There was no witness except Allah. 

My question is, is my Khula valid? Are we no longer husband and wife? Because as per my husband he said he didn’t want to give khula from his heart, he only gave his consent on my request and it might not be the right procedure for Khula. Please guide me.

Khula after 2 talaaqs

Q: Can a wife get 2 khula? 1st one was given after 2 talaqs because the husband wants a second wife. They then got married again and now she wants to go for another khula as her husband still wants a second wife.

Khula in court

Q: I had nikah last year. No rukhsati. He lives in UK so went back to UK after nikah. Then he started insulting me because of another girl and told me that we should get separated. I tried to talk him out of it but he said that we are not a good match and he is not happy. I also talked to his parents but he kept saying we should get separated.

After few months his parents started pressurizing him so he said that he want's to keep the nikah but he had insulted me enough because of another girl that I said I want a divorce now. He said he will come to Pakistan and we will meet and if we don't feel okay then he will give me a divorce.

He came to Pakitan and we met for lunch for three times and then I said I want a divorce because he kept saying insulting things to me. He said he doesn't want a divorce.

I filed for Khula case in court. 3 notices were sent to him in UK and he came to Pakistan for the last hearing. We appeared before the judge and we had a reconcilliation session. He kept saying lies so I said to the Judge that I cannot live with this man. The Judge gave the order in my case and gave a Khula order. I also returned the haq meher.

Can you please tell me that my nikah is now terminated? Am I eligible for nikah?

Getting married after khula

Q: I had khula in January 2021 due to circumstances and I have a baby as well. But I have strong feelings for my ex husband, even though I came to know he got married, but he did contact me and mentioned he missed me. After that he never mentioned it nor did we have any further conversations. I do feel I and him understand each other. Is it possible that by any type of prayer or dua I can get under nikaah with him again in any point of my life?

Asking for khula if husband wants to take a second wife

Q: We know that in Islam a woman is forbidden from asking for khula for no legitimate reason. We also know that she cannot prevent her husband from marrying a second wife.

In the case where the wife deeply knows that she cannot cope with having a co-wife and this causes her alot of emotional harm, hatred towards her husband which causes her to not wanting to fulfil his rights nor stay with him or look at him, in this case, is that a legitamate reason for her to ask for a divorce if the husband tells her that he is going to get married to a second wife?

Woman extorting money from husband after khula

Q: My (ex) wife asked for khula to whom I provided for 14 years as per my duties. I have never been abusive to her. I agreed to providing accommodation (3 bedroom house) and maintenance as asked of me under sharia until the youngest kid is 23 years old of my 2 kids.

My ex isn't happy with sharia solutions, avoids going to scholars and taking me to British court for my assets (£550k). She wants a permanent house in her name + extra money and putting me in much financial hardship.

What advice would you give to my wife? Would she be sinful for taking me to court after I have been sharia compliant? Would the money she gets from the court be halal for her?

Her parents are financially helping her with legal fees even though I have been sharia compliant, would they be sinful?

Difference between khula and divorce

Q: What is the difference between khula and divorce?

If during a fight between the husband and wife, the wife asks the husband to divorce her and the husband says that you want a divorce or he does not ask for it and during the same fight the husband says divorce to the wife then it will be considered khula or divorce because there is a difference in 'iddah.