
Court issuing a khula

Q: We filed khula case in the court and in reply of my husband's lawyer was that they agree if we return to them the maher, which they hadn't given us. Later they used delaying tactics to prolong the case just to torture me.

After three months we were summoned to the court but reconciliation was failed because I didn't agree. The judge repeated the case in front of us and gave a khula decree in front of all of us including my husband, his father and my father. My rukhsati was not done. Is this khula right according to shariah?

Remarrying after khula

Q: I have a elder sister, she had taken a khulanama and talaq e bain as per Indian juridical in the year of 2015 and she also taken a custody of her 3 year son at the time of Khula and from now they are living separate.

Now her husband wants to remarry with her and he is saying I didnt say a word of talaq and since you wanted khula so I just signed and my intentions were not to take khula.

After they get khula my sister didnt perform the iddat period and she is just living a life without a husband.

Now they both want to remarry, can they remarry in Islamic laws.

One more thing, on khulama paper it was written that khulanama and talaq e bain irrevocable what does that mean?

Separation with the intention of divorce

Q: If I ask my husband 3 times to separate from me, is it considered khula? I was living in a different country at the time and could not return to the original country where our nikaah was to file for separation myself. In the papers he even wrote that he is doing this on my request. This happened about 4 years ago and we would like to reconcile. Will we be able to get married again without any issue?

Marital problems


1. If a husband promises his wife that he wont ever want to take another wife/wives, does he forego his right? What happens if he breaks the promise and he does a second nikaah?

2. If the first wife cant cope or bear the pain of it, can she leave him?

3. If he feels that the second nikkah was a mistake and he regrets it, can he leave her? Both wives are living in 2 different countries. He doesn't spend equal time nor equal money on both his wives. He really loves the first wife more than the second and both the wives are aware of that.

4. Also, if the husband refuses a divorce, can the wife request a khula'?

5. If yes, does it mean that the kids have to go to their father and if the husbamd demands any amount of money he wishes too, she would have to pay in order for him to agree to khula'?