

Q: If a woman is newly married, she feels nervous and feels excitement in the stomach then feels wetness. What should she do?

The size of the dirham

Q: I want to know about impurity that is equal to one Dirham. As I am in Pakistan, so tell me the size of the coin here. I have searched a lot but I didn't understand clearly. So please tell me in simple words. Also, I am very disturbed due to semen. Bad thoughts come untimely and some liquid comes out, so that Dirham concept applies here? Because I pray five times a day, I can't take a bath again and again. Please help me.

Mazi coming out after ghusal


1. Today after masturbating, mazi kept coming out and even after ghusl I noticed some mazi but before taking ghusl I did urinate and wait. I think mazi was even coming out during ghusl, is my ghusl still valid?

2. In Indian toilet whenever I urinate, during time of washing, I mean when I pour water on my private part it get mix with urine and fall on my underwear, my private part is always soiled with urine because I am mazoor? Do I need to wash my underwear or continue doing wudhu?

3. In Indian toilet when washing private part water splashes back on clothes and feet, is it clean or unclean?

Wet dream


1) If I have a wet dream but I am sure that discharge is mazi not mani, ghusl is waajib on me?

2) According to your answer if discharge is yellowish then it is mani and white discharge is mazi?

3) If I remember only that I saw a guy in my dream and not remember any erotic activity and find wetness then it does need ghusl or not?

3.1) In this situation if I have discharge, sometimes its white (like normal vaginal discharge) and sometimes its colourless discharge, does it require ghusl or not?


Q: A woman is newly married. Whenever her husband comes in front of her and even in the same room, she feels very nervous. She feels like butterflies in her stomach and tingly sensation in the private area. Some liquid comes out. She is very confused that is this mani or mazi?