

Q: When I was in the first stage of sleep I had some sexual thoughts and after few minutes I slept completely with no wet dream but I felt wetness after I woke up, so ghusl is waajib on me or not due to those dirty thoughts?

Wet dreams


1. I know that mazi don't invalidate ghusl so if I have a wet dream and I feel wetness so how I know that I released mazi or mani?

2. Some time I feel tingly sensation in sleep and feel wetness without any dream.

Mazi coming on clothing

Q: I am 25 years unmarried boy, I know what is mani and wadhi and when to do wudhu and ghusl. My question what is the amount of Madhi should be there in order to wash cloths and private parts. I used to work in night shifts and most of times due to cold and sometimes even if I do a bit delay to urine I got madhi but the amount is very less. Its not even area covered by 1 drop of water.It's very small like a fraction of drop. Sometimes I have to look very closely and then I got a shine through which I realise its madhi. Now in this case must I wash my body and cloths or I just to do "wudhu"(ablution) without washing and changing. This is a problem for me as I have to go to washroom and wash myself and change my clothes sometimes twice a day.

Mazi coming out when speaking to girls

Q: Whenever I talk to a girl, even if it's a normal conversation, some liquid comes out from my private part in a very very minor amount. What should I do? If this happens I will be talking a bath 24/7 and how could I handle my practical life before marriage? Even if I am talking on the phone I feel seduced without any reason, having just a normal conversation. Please help me, I offer 5 times Salaah and remain in wudhu. I do not watch TV a lot, no movies, songs. One in a day if possible. My life is ruined because of this. Help me.