
Respect for the husband

Q: Due to this hadith and seemingly degrading hadiths on women, I'm having doubts and resentments towards men. Can women decide to never be married? The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “It is not right for any human being to prostrate to another; if it were right for one human being to prostrate to another, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands because of the great rights that they have over them. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if a man were covered from head to foot with weeping sores oozing pus, and his wife were to come to him and lick his sores (to clean them), this would not fulfil the rights he has over her.’”

It's been days and I can't get over it. Explain this. If marriage means this,  I don't know what to think or say. These hadiths really distress me that much. Not only I have my own problems; now I have to read these hadiths which really discourage and sadden me.

Respecting one's mother

Q: How does one deal with ones mother who has chosen to marry for the 4th time?

Being married, my husband and myself are constantly fighting because he is disgraced that my mother has taken another husband (the man is a sheikh). My husband worries that because my mother has not received blessing from her children or her mother, therefore she is doomed to fail in her marriage. Is it correct to feel anger towards ones mother and is it correct of my husband to show any disrespect to her if he does not agree with her choice? I feel as if I have to choose between my husband and my mother?

Making dua for one's father to change his bad habits

Q: My question is related to the relation of mine with my father as it is getting worse day by day. I am 22 years old. We belong to a middle class family and about 4 years ago we bought internet connection. My father is 56 years old now and when we bought the internet connection I was 18 and my father was 52. One day I saw my father watching porn on the internet and for me it was so heart breaking that I got shocked with the kind of mentality my father has. For some time I stayed silent that he might change his habits and for that I gave him some signals that I am aware of what he is doing when alone and at that time my sisters age was 12 years. I was more concerned that she might see him doing all this stuff and just few days later I saw my father was busy watching porn while my sister was standing behind him. On that particular day I broke my silence and told my mom about the whole incident. She talked to him and my father rejected my allegations upon him. This thing continued for about one year and he was losing his respect in my eyes. Last year we connected our tv set to cable and now he just watches tv, some movies and songs with bad dance. I dont like this also but I am silent as it is somehow better than what he was used to do. What I want to say is that he is stubborn and I do not respect him the same way like I used to or you can say that he has lost his respect. Our tv set is in front of my bed and I dont want him to sit on my bed when I am around, not because I do not respect him but because he used to sit in front of tv every time when he is free and for hours and I want my space on my bed because our house is small.

My question is that what should I do according to Islam and can I respect him or change him? Also, he has the habit of talking in loud voice and we hardly talk to eachother daily as my other relatives talk to their fathers.