
Keeping the qada fasts of another person

Q: My mother, 58, is diabetic and a high bp patient. Contrary to the doctors advice, she observes the Ramadan fasts, alhamdulilah. However, in her young days, she casually skipped many fasts and accordig to her estimation she has skipped around 200 fasts. Given her present condition (Allah bless her with health and life) she might not be able to makeup for those fasts herself in her life.

I know that a son can observe/makeup fast for their parents after their death. Can I observe those missed fasts for her in her life too? If yes then can I now make niyat for my past nafal fasts to make up for her numbers? If initially its a no then would paying only fidya be enough for making up? Please guide on this matter.

Respecting one's mother

Q: How does one deal with ones mother who has chosen to marry for the 4th time?

Being married, my husband and myself are constantly fighting because he is disgraced that my mother has taken another husband (the man is a sheikh). My husband worries that because my mother has not received blessing from her children or her mother, therefore she is doomed to fail in her marriage. Is it correct to feel anger towards ones mother and is it correct of my husband to show any disrespect to her if he does not agree with her choice? I feel as if I have to choose between my husband and my mother?

Growing a beard

Q: I want to grow a beard but my mother is telling me to only grow my beard after marriage. I live in India and there is a lot of difficulty in finding a girl if someone has a beard. I want to get married as soon as possible because there is a lot of fitna and temptation here.

Husband not allowing children to visit their non-Muslim grand-mother

Q: I am a revert alhumdulilah. I am in a dilemma regarding visiting my mother who is Hindu. My husband does not allow my kids to visit her because she has a temple in her yard. It's not like the kids play outside. My family has a lot of respect that I am a Muslim and they have never forced us into doing anything unlawful or haram. My mother is now heartbroken as she can't be with her grandchildren and I feel bad visiting her without the kids. Her tears are haunting me. I know that a mother holds Jannat under her feet and to make a mother cry is the biggest sin. I can't take this anymore I'm miserable and how do I earn Jannat one day in sha Allah if my mother is hurt. So please advise as I can't hear or see my mother cry anymore.