poor people

Kaffaarah for breaking an oath


1. Will my kaafaaratul yameen be done if I give ONE poor person R200, as R20 is what an average meal would cost, or will it be more. If it is more, then how much will suffice?

2. I took an oath that I will not do a certain action, and if I did then I would keep 60 consecutive fasts. I then did the action, resulting in my oath breaking. What should I do now? How many fasts must I keep and how will I cover up for breaking the oath?

Returning something to the rightful owner

Q: Thirty years ago, when I was a child, I found a gold necklace. My sister took it from me and kept it. Two months ago she returned the item back to me saying she is not entitled to it. The local police law states that if you find something you must hand it in to a local police station and if no one claims it within 28 days then it becomes legally mine. I handed it in to the local police station and no one claimed it. I couldn't say I found it thirty years ago because I might have got into trouble for keeping it so long. Obviously no one claimed it so the police have said I can keep it. I don't want to be sinful so what should I do with the necklace?

Using interest money for medical treatment and constructing toilets


1. Is it permissible to take money from an NGO or Charitable trust for medical treatment (Person who needs the money isn't capable enough to manage the expenditure)

2. Can we use interest money (Savings Bank account) for medical treatment of poor people.

3. Is it permissible to use money from interest received from a non Islamic bank for the purpose of construction of his/her own toilet.