
Working for a company that accepts the bank's interest

Q: I have a question regarding my job. I work in a technical firm as an engineer and my company pays me a monthly salary. My company take projects from clients and after completion of projects the client pays money to company, company puts that money in the bank and then our salary comes. Although i am not sure that either company takes interest from the bank or not, but i know that in my country Pakistan, every other company does that so there is a very high possibility that my company also takes interest from bank. So now our salary comes from (Client's money + Bank interest). So what is the Islamic ruling on this issue.

Paying a zakaat collector from the zakaat funds

Q: I have read in Ma’ariful Quraan (English) under the verse of "wal Aamileena alayha" that zakaat can be given to those collecting the Zakaat on behalf of the state.

Nowadays, many organisations in non-Muslim countries also collect zakaat on behalf of the organisation and then distribute it to its recipients.

My question is: Can the person appointed to collect zakaat on behalf of the organization be paid his salary from the zakaat money?

Promising to donate money from one's salary

Q: I would like to ask regarding the following matter:

I promised Allah to donate a specific amount from my first salary. I am doing an internship and I am a student. Now I am deciding to give that amount in Bakra Eid to buy a cow. Is it okay? Because my family might also eat some meat from that cow but almost 85% is distributed to the needy. My intentions were to give that money to some specific individuals who cam benefit from that money. But now I am thinking to contribute my amount to buy a cow in Bakra Eid. Can you please suggest what should I do?

Calculating zakaat

Q: I earn a salary upto 40,000 rupees per month. Sometimes I save the complete salary and sometimes I give part of my salary (20,000 to 30,000) to my family for their shop. Currently I have 60,000 rupees in the bank and I have been working since last year, is zakaat waajid upon me? If yes, how do I calculate the zakaat?