
Cleaning impurities


1. Is merely wiping with a tissue or cloth considered to remove impurities and make an object paak?

2. If there is impurity on the floor and it dries naturally, is the floor considered paak?

3. Whilst flushing, there is spray from the toilet bowl, and it lands on the toilet seat and sometimes the floor. Is this spray considered to be impure or is it excused.

4. Is a washing machine considered to clean impurities.

5. Can I clean hard surfaces by spraying with water and then wiping instead of pouring?

Washing impure bed sheets

Q: My question is on behalf of my colleague. He is having a problem since 6 years. His life is in danger as his parents are not with him. His parents are in India. He lives in his uncles house. He told me that one day he was sleeping without going to toilet and he urinated while was sleeping in his bed. He is very shy to wash his bed sheets because he will be asked by his uncle and aunt. After that he washes his hands regularly and they thought he got ocd because they don't know his matter. They took him to the doctor. Now he's afraid of tell them about his problem because if he wants to wash his bed sheets they say it's washed and his duvets are not clean as well. They always follow what he does. So brother please tell me what should he do now? He's always thinking about it. Please give him some advice.


Q: I wanted to know that if while talking to my wife on a video call I get some sperm spot in my underwear, is it necessary to have ghusal?


Q: I take a shower and then separately I wash out my feet along with slippers, is this the right way? Or taking shower is enough. And when my feet are wet then I don't step on the carpet without slippers because at our home people step on the carpet with slippers (also with the ones which are used in the washroom) so this thing brings me in doubt that the carpet is not paak. Please advise what to do.

Impurity on the bed

Q: If a towel was put on the bed and some semen after intercourse went on it which then transferred to the other bottom side of the towel which was touching the bed sheet then does that mean the bed sheet is also impure? This is because the wetness of the semen from the bottom side of the towel touching the bedsheets could've been transferred. Although when checked after few minutes the sheet was dry and and there were no stains. Should I have to wash the bed sheet?

Cleaning impurity


1) Whilst seated on a high pan toilet and one relieves oneself, does the water, which is often polluted and napaak, that remains and comes from inside of the high pan toilet or commode, happens to splash upon any part of one's body, does Ghusl or wudhu become necessary so that Salaah be performed?

2) When having a Fardh Ghusl, does soap have to be used as a means of removing the dirt and impurity or najaasat which is on one's body, such as after a wet dream, or does merely passing water suffice for the Fardh Ghusl to be done to render one paak and clean to perform Salaah?

B) If merely passing water over the affected or dirty parts of the body is sufficient, is there a specific number of times that water needs to be passed over the dirty parts to render one paak and for the Fardh Ghusl to be completed so that one could perform Salaah?

3) Clothes that have become napaak as a result of wet dream or any najaasat or droppings of urine falling on them, do they become clean as a result of washing them in a washing machine only and thereafter worn and perform Salaah?

4) Is there a specific number of times to wash when making Istinjaa?

5) Does blood which comes onto the topee (headgear) while in Salaah, render the Salaah null and void?

B) if yes, does wudhu and Salaah be repeated or only Salaah?

6) If dried blood is on the topee (headgear) does Salaah read with it be valid?

B) If it was washed and still the marks of blood are visible, will one's Salaah be accepted if one reads Salaah with it? 

Is mazi napaak?

Q: I would like to know whether mazi is napaak or not and after the release of mazi is it compulsory for one to make ghusal or change his clothes or can he perform Salaah in that clothes?

Cleaning impurity


1. Is detergent considered to remove impurities, or only water?

2. How can you go about cleaning an impure toilet seat? Because if you pour water over it, it will undoubtedly go on the floor making the floor impure too.

3. To clean impurity on a hard floor, do you simply pour water over it and wipe clean or must you pour and wipe with a cloth 3 times, squeezing each time?