
Urinating in the bed

Q: I have a question on behalf of some one. My question is that if anyone urinates in the bed without knowing while he is sleeping and shy of washing his bed sheets because what the other people will say, what does he have to do?

Washing a rug

Q: I wanted to ask if say I have a modern rug which if washed might spoil and get damaged. Will wiping it with a wet cloth or wet wipe suffice? The najaasat traces have never been there I don't thinks so and I don't remember either.. the only reason I think it is napak is because I threw (maybe dried or wet i don't recall) napak clothes on it (I have discharge problem) walked with wet feet on it which might be napak because (some at times napak and at times maybe napak) splashes of water got on my feet from the floor (which might be napak) perhaps I had stepped on it with my shoe. I am not sure and it's been a long while so i don't remember correctly the reason I think it is napak. Only recently I wiped it with wet cloth because I think I had made it napak but I don't recall the reason. I have OCD.. I've been battling it since 2008.. I usually wipe things with a wet cloth or wet wipe to make it paak since washing every house hold item is literally impossible and difficult. I can't wash the bed since it is foam and foam gets spoiled when washed with water so I wipe over it.. nor can the sofa be washed as it is also foam and cotton and is stitched so I wipe. Then there are non absorbent things which I wipe over with wet wipe or wet cloth as I know they don't need to be washed. Today I had wet feet and I stepped on the rug, dried myself with cloth, wore clothes, wore my wet paak shoes and came to bed. I don't know if I am napak or not and if the bed has become napak because of me. Help.

Doubts regarding dirt on the carpet

Q: My query is as follows. Please could you assist. I found some dirt on my carpet and when I smelt it, it smelt like stool, I am not sure where it came from but my concern is that my family walked on the carpet with wet feet, however I am not certain if their feet did in fact touch the dirty parts of the carpet. They have subsequently touched their feet with their hands, does this make their hands as well as wet items they touched thereafter napaak? Also they have worn socks and shoes thereafter and possibly perspired in the shoes, are their shoes napaak as well?


Q: Some sexual thoughts came to mind while sitting on the sofa, so I started thinking about it for some time. After that I found thin liquid automatically came out from penis (it also got erected). Does this make ghusl compulsory for me? If such things happen 3-4 times a day, should I do ghusal every time?


Q: I would like to ask about some issues related to manhood. I am a healthy young man, married and father of kids. My issue is that when I'm aroused while sitting, resting or talking with my wife my penis secretes a liquid that's like oil. It is just a drop or two and that happens all the time when we are in good mood and I am at home with my family. I have absolutely no control to stop it. So is this liquid najis? Does my Wudhu and Ghusal break? If I had a wudhu can I pray while that drop on my undergarment is still wet? Can I pray in the same clothes once it is dry?

Finding impurity on one's body after istinja

Q: Please can you help me with the following?

1. Yesterday after passing stool I showered and cleaned myself to the best of my ability. Later that day when I cleaned myself in the toilet I found my private parts were still a bit dirty. I am now concerned that due to the fact that I showered and dried myself i could have spread the najaasat all over my body and therefore wherever i sat during the day and possibly perspired could have become napaak. Please let me know if this is in fact the case and whether I have to go back and wash all the areas i sat on during the day, including my towel shoes etc

2. Sometimes after cleaning I notice a dead insect on the cloth that I have cleaned my house with, would this then make all the items I wiped with that cloth napaak and is it necessary for me to wash these items three times?

3. We were out at a restaurant with family and friends and when we got home I realised that my daughter had urinated in her pants. I then began to get concerned that she was sitting on the chairs in the restaurant and touching everything there including the food, utensils etc. Furthermore she also sat on our family and friends laps and touched their belongings. I am not sure how wet her clothes were at the time and whether the urine has made all these things napaak. Please can you advise me as to what to do in this situation.

Impurity on clothing

Q: If a baby throws up on me or my clothes, can I still pray in those clothes or are the clothes napaak? Also, if a baby urinates on me or my clothes, do I or my clothes become napaak? Lastly, if the blood of another person touches me or my clothes, am I or the clothes napaak?

Doubting whether the discharge is mazi or mani

Q: I have a question which always brings doubt to me with regards to ghusal. This happens to me all the time like this morning when I got back home from fajr I went to use the bathroom and on taking out my underpants I found a tiny dot of wetness and small white marks on my underwear. I then urinated and whilst urine emitted I watched to see if anything odd is emitted, I found that a little of white liquid came out as well which was sticky. Is this mani or mazi? I always get confused and then get waswasas. Do I have to make ghusal or do I just put on clean underpants and make wudhu?