
Mazi coming on clothing

Q: I am 25 years unmarried boy, I know what is mani and wadhi and when to do wudhu and ghusl. My question what is the amount of Madhi should be there in order to wash cloths and private parts. I used to work in night shifts and most of times due to cold and sometimes even if I do a bit delay to urine I got madhi but the amount is very less. Its not even area covered by 1 drop of water.It's very small like a fraction of drop. Sometimes I have to look very closely and then I got a shine through which I realise its madhi. Now in this case must I wash my body and cloths or I just to do "wudhu"(ablution) without washing and changing. This is a problem for me as I have to go to washroom and wash myself and change my clothes sometimes twice a day.

Is the dirt found in the corner of the eye napaak


1- Is the liquid substance which collects in the corner of the eye in the mornings and resembles pus najis?

2- If the liquid substance is not najis, I have the following question: I searched wikipedia and it says in some eye diseases the liquid also contains pus. What if we are not sure that we have the mentioned diseases or we are not sure that this liquid contains pus?


Q: If I am doubtful (due to lack of concentration/absent mindedness) as to whether I walked in a carpeted room with napaak slippers and there is no visible sign or smell of napaaki on the carpet, do I regard the carpet as paak to walk on with wet feet and to perform Salaah on, or does it have to be washed? NB: This particular type of doubt has occurred at least twice previously. It is habit to remove the slippers prior to going in to the said room, because I perform Salaah in that room, but as I said due to absent mindedness I could have walked in that room with the slippers, and although there is no visible sign or smell of napaaki, if it was present in the form of a few drops of urine, it would be impossible to tell.

Doubts regarding purity

Q: There was a time few years ago when, due to OCD, I would remain in a napaak state, na'oodhoobillah. One day my father insisted that I should make Wudhu and perform Salah as Shaytaan was playing with me.I did not want to perform Wudhu because I felt that my feet were napaak and therefore if I washed my feet and wore the slippers that my parents use & then walked in the room in which they perform Salah with wet feet, the carpet in that room would become napaak. I however had no choice but to do so.

Doubts with regards to urine

Q: I have a question about urine drops. I took my four year old to the toilet and I wiped her first and her urine dropped on my hands as I went to reach out for the water I'm not sure if the urine went anywhere else. It was a very small drop but I didn't think it would go anywhere up until I went to wash my hands.

Mazi coming out when speaking to girls

Q: Whenever I talk to a girl, even if it's a normal conversation, some liquid comes out from my private part in a very very minor amount. What should I do? If this happens I will be talking a bath 24/7 and how could I handle my practical life before marriage? Even if I am talking on the phone I feel seduced without any reason, having just a normal conversation. Please help me, I offer 5 times Salaah and remain in wudhu. I do not watch TV a lot, no movies, songs. One in a day if possible. My life is ruined because of this. Help me.

Doubts and waswasas regarding purity


(A) I had a shower at night. I washed my slippers and feet whilst in the shower.

(B) Then I went out of the house for just over 2 hours wearing the same slippers. When I returned home it is most likely that, by that time, my slippers were dry.

(C) I then got in to the sleeping bag, which I have borrowed from my parents home and which I am using at my house. At the time I went to sleep in the sleeping bag it is most likely that my feet were dry. At the time of sleeping, I thought to myself, when I wake up in the morning I must wash my feet and slippers again as a precautionary measure.