
Doubts regarding a child's vomit

Q: I suffer from extreme ocd and my family is not very well versed in matters of purity. I try to explain but they don't care. I am very cautious about this issue and they don't care. It has reached a point where I am thinking of leaving the house or maybe ALLAH forgive Islam all together. Their ignorance is giving me a hard time. My baby nephew vomited. They don't wash his clothes or where he voimited. What should I do? I can't wash every object. On the issue of vomit, can I follow the maaliki or salaafi madhab who don't consider vomit to be impure?

Doubts regarding drops on the floor

Q: I saw some whitish type of spots on the side of the bed like the wood and a spot on the floor though there are other spots as well like of water or sometimes we drop food as we eat in the room. After intimacy we use the washroom to clean and I feel what if while going a few drops of sperm fell and I didn't check at that time. Will the floor be impure? What if we had stepped on it. I have wiped the bed and the spot on the floor with wet tissues.

Washing off semen

Q: After ejaculation, what do I do to my clothes if it had got soiled? After my clothes got soiled, I washed it with the rest of the family's clothes. What should I do. Is the ibaadah of my entire family unfulfilled? Do I have to rinse my dirty clothes before putting it into the washing? If my bed got soiled with semen but I did not clean it, will I be napaak everyday?

Omitting one's Salaah due to doubts

Q: Today my sister in-law put my nephew's nappy in the bin which is placed in the kitchen. When I went in, I saw the nappy and tea bag in there as well. I decided to throw the bin bag from the bin and as I was lifting it I saw that water was dripping from it. I saw water on the bottom of the bin. Is that water are impure? Should I wash the bin? If we place another bag and while throwing it away water drips on the floor, should we wash it? Because of my family's ignorance about impurity, I have stopped praying because every thing would be impure 100 percent the way they behave. How should I continue praying?

Dissecting dead bodies

Q: In medical school you have to take anatomy class and dissect cadavers (dead-bodies) of non-Muslims and maybe Muslims (I am not sure if there are any Muslims that donate their body after they die so I think all the cadavers are non-Muslims).

1) Do you have to do ghusl after dissecting?

2) Do you have to do wudhu after dissecting?

3) How many times do you have to wash your hands?

4) If you touch the clothes you dissected in after you do wudhu or wash your hands do your hands or things the clothes touches like your bag become napaak?

5) Does the rulings for questions 1-4 change weather the dead-body is of a Muslim or non-Muslim?

Discharge problem

Q: I have been struggling with OCD and trying to get better and not take so long when doing wudhu but I keep having doubts which makes me take like 15-20 minutes for it. As a female you get discharge and the area is always wet and has a white mucus. Every time I go to do wudhu I think I have to clean all of it off but its' always there next time because it is naturally supposed to be there. So I spend so much time washing over and over again and scratching to take it all off because I think only poring water on the area doesn't clean everything because it sticks to the area 1) Is it sufficient to just wash the area with water by pouring it over 2) Do you have to scratch every little bit off? It is very time consuming and can cause pain and infections because I keep trying to remove something that is naturally there.

Removing impurity from electrical switches


1. If our impure hands touches the electrical switches can we take a tissue wet it and wipe the switches? Will it become pure?

2. If impure hands touches table etc and there are no visible traces of impurity and then I take some tissues wet it with water and clean the table, will it become pure?

3. How many times do we need to wipe a surface with a wet cloth or tissue to make it pure?

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: After menses I got discharge and there was blood in it. I went to the washroom and saw it was dry and stuck to my pants I didn't have time to clean
so I left it and decided to clean later on. When I went back the discharge was scraped off and a little was left. It probably got scraped by rubbing from my body and fell off through my pants. I don't know where it fell in the house. If I sweep and wipe the floors will the floors be impure. What do I do?

Urine coming out while sleeping

Q: I felt like my urine came out in my sleep. I touched my pants by hand but couldn't judge. I was feeling some dampness. I then touched the pillow and the blanket to get up and when I checked my underwear was slightly wet. I'm assuming it to be urine. I cleaned the phone etc as I touched it after touching my pants. What do I do about the pillow blanket etc. Are they impure as well. I didn't see any wetness but after touching my pants I touched the blanket and pillow.