
Doubts regarding impurity

Q: There was dry blood on my underwear. My hands were wet and I accidently touched it while changing pads. I did not see any visible traces of it on my hand. A drop of water from my wet hands fell on floor but I could not see traces of blood. I accidently stepped on the drop and walked around. Did the house floor get impure?

Removing impurity from the door

Q: If there is visible impurity from along time ago and was never cleaned what should I do? And how would I clean it since its on a closet door because I can't pour water on the doors. Also if I use a soaking wet tissue, if the water while wiping falls on the carpet will the carpet become napaak? I avoid those areas of impurities so after I do wudo and close the door where the impurity isn't there will I become napak? I have read namaz many times before after doing so, did they not count?

Toilet leakage problem

Q: There was leakage in the washroom ceiling and then it stopped by itself. There is a washroom on the top floor. The water from the leakage has dried now. If somebody uses the washroom and wet feet touch floor and they walk around the house will the house be impure. The floor was not washed after the leakage water dried. Is whole house impure and I can't pray there?

Wet dream

Q: If I am not sure if I had a wet dream while I was a wake and had my period, am I impure? And if I go to sleep and use my blanket and sit in my house are those places napaak?

Doubting if one is paak

Q: If I am not sure if I am sexually napaak and I have my periods and if I shower not for paaki but just a shower, will everything I touch become napaak and since my hair will be wet after showering if any drops fall will they make things in the house napaak and since I have school and wear my coat and bag will they become napaak also? Since I can't wash that what should I do? And has my bed and every other place before showering become napaak now?

Reading inappropriate literature

Q: I was reading a text that was inappropriate not intentionally and it wasn't descriptive at all it just had an inappropriate word (sexual). Since I read it am I napaak now? and am I that type of napaak even if I have my periods? If I have sat on many places are those napaak now as well? Please help. This has been bothering me since the morning when I had read it.

Living in a hostel


1. I live in a hostel and I have to share bathrooms with kaafirs. My question is I have doubts about the purity of the bucket but I don't see any kind of visible najaasat. What I used to do was I fill up the bucket till the water overflow and I use the water from that bucket without throwing it and recently I have seen on this website that you have to throw the water to make that bucket pure. So was I impure all the time and do I have to repeat my prayers.

2. My room mate uses anti anti-perspirants like powder and I see particles on the floor and I don't know whether that powder is made from halaal sources or not. My leg touches those particles which is very much less than a dirham even after combining all the particles. Does my leg become impure and the places where I keep my feet also became impure? It was less than a dirham size.