
Doubts regarding impurity

Q: A year back something impure like alcohol fell on my slippers when I went to some place. Now I don't remember whether after coming back I washed it or not or later I washed it. I don't remember whether I kept the slipper unwashed or washed in my cupboard. Though after that I have washed it a lot of times but I can't remember whether that time I had washed it and kept it in my cupboard. Now my other shoes were also kept in there with these and I can't seem to remember whether I kept them inside washed or not. Will my other shoes be impure or will the cupboard be impure as the shoes might have touched. I'm feeling very distressed please help.

Washing the toilet seat

Q: If someone is in a state of Janabah and when using the toilet, semen falls on the toilet seat, will using the jug to splash water on the toilet seat wash away the semen or should a wet toilet paper be used also to wipe the seat to make sure it's clean?

Doubts regarding tahaarat

Q: My question is that since one month I am trying to ignore my doubts regarding impurity (napaki) of my mobile phones sim card and the place of the sim card where the sim had been inserted. And whenever this doubts comes in my mind I fear an worry. I cannot think. I have mental pain due to this. Please give me a right solution to overcome this problem.

Tahaarat and wet dreams


1. If a person is wearing dark coloured underwear, how will he figure out if he had a wet dream and what else are the signs?

2. What is the significants of reading Surah wasama-e- wattariq for a male before sleeping?

3. If I feel like going toilet all the time, what do I do?

4. If a boy wants to get married at a young age because he can't control him self, what duaa can he read?

5. Duaa to be saved from homosexuality.

Wet dream

Q: I fell asleep on my sofa and had a wet dream, then I got up and felt my trousers but it was all dry. Do I have to clean the sofa?

Doubts regarding discharge

Q: Usually I feel wetness and I use the washroom to check what it is as I have doubts. It's usually the normal female discharge. Sometimes to be sure I touch it to check if I have doubts after that I wear my pants back. Do my pants become impure as I have checked the pants with my hand and then used it to wear them back and then washed my hands? Usually I do that so now have the places where I have sat like the bed and blanket etc become impure as I touched that place and then wore my pants back?

Doubts regarding tahaarat

Q: If a person consumes something Haram and then touches the phone but I can't remember whether he did or not. I doubt the person did so whenever he touches the phone and touches things in house will everything be impure. Do I have to clean everything?

Washing off impurities

Q: While changing clothes if female normal discharge touches any part of the body like I just feel the wetness, can I clean that area with wet tissue paper and then with a dry one. I had wiped with a wet tissue so will my body be clean or am I impure and have spread impurity everywhere?

If someone drinks alcohol at night and then drinks water. The next day he doesn't gargle or brush and has tea water etc and then eats with his hands. If the hand touches the saliva will the hand be impure and if he touches anything with it will that be impure too or the water had cleaned the saliva of impurity. I'm being doubtful as someone visited home and did that.