
Doubts regarding purity

Q: I have always been very doubtful and may have OCD so now I am trying to overcome this illness but I can never know what to do. I have a cold so my mother told me to take some steam it was from a pot that was from the previous owners of the house. They said they were Muslims but many Muslims here eat non halal meat. I don't know if the previous owners 5 years ago ate un halal meat or not. but they left a dish which my mom uses when anyone needs to take steam because she doesn't want the sick germs to go into her cooking pots. She has washed the pot before but I don't know if she read the kalima while she cleaned it. If I took steam from this dish am I napaak? Is the towel I put over my head while taking steam napaak? I have touched so many things after that are they all napaak? If I used the towel after wudu to wipe my face before praying did my wudu break and did my namaaz count? On the dish there were some orange/ red marks and took some very hot water from the dish and a kitchen towel to wipe and see if there were permenent but they came off. Now I don't know what they were from and if it was halaal or not and if I made the kitchen towel napaak? My mum thinks I'm crazy so she won't believe me about washing the towels because I am always making her wash everything but I just don't know what to do? Is the kitchen towel napaak? If someone uses it to dry their hands will they become napaak too? I am too stressed out about these and it is really hard for my recovery from being a doubtful person what do I do?

Impurity on one's hands

Q: If my hands are napaak with urine no matter whether they are wet or dry and I touch something, if there are no signs of impurity on what I touched, no colour or stain and if there is smell then that will eventually go, do I have to wash what I touched?

Using a towel in the state of janaabat

Q: I would really appreciate your guidance on this. I am a very doubtful person and might even have OCD. Sometimes when I wake up for school in the morning I think I had a wet dream, I am not sure because i never remember having an orgasm in the dream. So in the mooring I want to make ghusal but there is no time so I decide to make it as soon as I get home. 1) If I wash my face and use my towel to dry it will my towel now be napaak? 2) During school if I need to watch a video for research and use my headphones will they become napaak? Because sometimes there will be a little earwax on them. 3) If I try on my mom's makeup like lipstick or eyeliner only when I am at home and then wash my face will the make up be napaak? If it is, how do I clean it?

Tile becoming impure

Q: If I make a tile napaak as a piece of clothing with urine on it has touched it, if I do wudhu and my wet feet touches the tile, if my foot doesn't smell of urine nor does it turn yellow is my foot considered paak or napaak?

Doubts regarding the coming out of urine drops

Q: Sometimes after passing urine in the toilet I clean myself. I wipe myself with toilet paper but I didn't make sure whether I was completely dry. Now I keep feeling that urine drops have come out but usually when I check it doesn't happen and it's my doubt. While changing clothes I saw some wetness. Now I'm not sure that what that wetness is. It could be me not wiping dry enough as I didn't wipe very dry and could be water. I'm constantly doubting and checking all the time.

Doubts regarding urine drops

Q: Whilst I was urinating, I felt as though a drop may have touched my leg as I thought I felt it. The question I have is that I am unsure if there was urine on my trousers and I assumed they were clean and prayed my Salaah. Was my Salaah valid, and also, if a scenario like this occurred in future where I am unsure, should I assume that my clothes are clean or my clothes are dirty?