
Doubts regarding make up used after consuming alcohol

Q: I used to consume alcohol some time back. Now I have repented and asked for forgiveness as I was misled. I want to know that I was not very cautious about purity and I used make up and make up sponges etc. I have even used lipsticks after consuming alcohol. Now I am in doubts. I have thrown away the lipsticks I was sure about but I have to think very hard that whether I used the makeup sponge over the lipstick or did I use the powder over it and I keep doubting that whether I used a powder or sponge over impure lipstick. Where did it touch where did I keep it and keep cleaning those places. I cannot remember everything clearly. Should I just stop thinking and just use the makeup I have and not over think or worry about being impure or should I think over it. This thinking has really affected my life and I am feeling if I use my prayers won't be accepted and I will be impure. I'm feeling devastated as if there are no answers and I just eventually have to throw away everything.

Doubts regarding impurities

Q: Please help me. You have helped me a lot throughout. If a person consumes alcohol and uses makeup like lipstick and all and if that lipstick touches one's hand does everything become napaak? You always say if there are no traces of alcohol then it is pure. How can we be sure that there are no traces of alcohol in a persons mouth as the taste and smell of alcohol stays if you are consuming it. I consumed alcohol a long time ago and I have repented and now when I think about the makeup I have used and what I touched I'm becoming doubtful. I have thrown away half the stuff I used. I feel may be they have traces as I don't remember everything and I am in doubts. It has become very stressful.

Doubts regarding purity

Q: I am a very doubtful person and I keep doubting myself over impurity. I have a few questions please help me make my life easier on me.

1. We take a shower in bathtub and during wudhu I wash my feet in there. On one side of the tub water collects and we have to drain it by pushing it with our feet towards the drain. So does my wudhu or ghusl qualify or do I have to wash then drain with feet and then wash again?

2. While washing my hands some soap which I had put on my hand touched a part of my hair. From the shoulder as my hair was falling off the shoulder. Does my hand become impure if it touches the soap on my hand which I had applied?

3. After Intimate relations between couples if after that you touch your phone or switch with that hand does it become impure. If impurity is dried off but hands are not washed and you touch it. Does it become impure if you touch other things? And if someone else touches the same things with wet hands, does that other person become impure?

Cleaning the floor of impurities

Q: You have always helped me in my doubtful issues. I am a very doubtful person and often doubt purity. Please let me know if sperm drops on the floor and I can't figure out exactly where they fell and whatever I could see I cleaned them with a dry and wet tissue. Now I am doubting that what if I missed more spots or what if while finding the spots I stepped on one and now I feel the whole house will be impure wherever I will wear the slipper. Also if I have missed a spot and if I mop the floor will whole house be impure to pray.


Q: I have a graze on my front private part, a bit of skin came off. There is now a build up of water\pus there. The water\pus stayed within the wound before I had a shower. However after I had a shower I cannot be 100% sure if it flowed beyond the wound as I initially dried myself with a towel. It looked as if it had flowed out, but I couldn't be sure after checking several times. I suffer from constant waswas.

1. Do I regard it as non flowing?

2. Is my towel filthy as well now?