
Doubts regarding urine drops

Q: Sometimes dreams are close to reality and you can't figure out at times. I'm unaware whether urine drops came out in my sleep or was it my doubt or a dream. I'm constantly doubting myself. I am a very doubtful person. Should I consider myself impure and the bedding or should I follow my doubt.

Using lip stick after consuming alcohol

Q: Someone I know used to drink alcohol and use lipsticks right after having it. Now when she has purified herself if she uses the same lipsticks when she did after consuming alcohol will she become impure and spread impurity? Does she have to throw away all makeup used at that time. If she doesn't remember whether she used a particular lipstick after consuming alcohol and is doubtful, what should be done as makeup is expensive? Is their any way?

Doubts after ghusal

Q: After masturbating I had my fardh ghusl. I washed my entire body and when I exited the shower they're still was a sticky substance on my penis. I thereafter washed it again but the stickiness remained. I thereafter dried my self and my penis with a towel.

1. Was my ghusal done?

2. Did my towel get dirty and after drying my body did my body also get dirty?

Bleeding gums

Q: I have bleeding gums when I sleep. When I wake up the towel I put on my pillow has some drool on it, sometimes its clear, sometimes orangey yellow. When I spit to check, the colour of the saliva is orangey yellow in colour but not red or pink. Is the towel impure? Also when drool comes out with blood and is red, I do not know if the saliva got on my beard or side of my face when I slept as there are patches on my towel where my mouth was. I have bad waswasas due to this. What do I do?