
Used water

Q: When one washes one's hands in a wash basin/sink, or makes wudhu in a wash basin/sink, there is almost always some splash back from the sink. Is this splash back considered najas (impure)?


Q: I read online that semen is pure so since semen is taahir if we get wet dreams and semen gets into our clothes and body we don't need to wash it. Do you agree?

Washing of impurity from the carpet

Q: In jamaat I had a wet dream and I was sleeping in the jamaat khaanah and I had nothing under me and when I had a wet dream I looked inside and there was fresh semen drops and also a patch of semen on my clothes and after I looked I laid back on my side again when this occurred I was laying on my back the while having a wet dream I slowly moved to my side then I checked and could see a big patch of semen. I was half asleep and I moved a bit more to my side. I don't know if the semen touched the carpet in the jamaat kanah. It's worrying me.

Mazi problem

Q: I have 2 questions regarding performing Umrah and having Mazi leaking out and wearing the tissue.​

1. After visiting the bathroom I wrap a tissue around my private part (I usually tie a rubber band or string to keep tissue there) to ensure any drops that come out, if any, does not touch my clothes. I also wear a tissue sometimes during the day as I see mazi coming out at different times.

a. Whilst in ihraam and performing umrah if mazi comes out and touches the ihraam what must be done? (To be honest if mazi does come out, it is usually a very very small amount)

b. Is it permissible to wear the tissue after visiting the bathroom whilst wearing ihraam? (not whilst performing umrah but just wearing the ihraam)(I usually tie a rubber band or string to keep tissue there).


2. The other day I was given the opportunity of leading the Asr SalaahBefore I went to the Salaah room I stopped at the bathroom to wash my Private Area to ensure that there is no Mazi present etc. After performing salaah I went back to the bathroom to ensure no mazi or any fluid has come out, and did not see any fluid. However I did see something very small (like a dot) inside my private part which could've been toilet paper(from maybe earlier on in the day) or even a thread from my underwear or something else. I can't be too sure but it was very small or tiny and was solid looking not liquid. Please advise if this, what I had seen after performing salaah, affects my salaah in any way?

Cleansing oneself before Salaah

Q: I am a student and I have my college where my entire day passes away. So I have to offer salaah in my college. But at times I have white discharges and my college washrooms are not very clean and easy for me to use. So if I don't wash myself and simply make wudhu will my prayers be valid? As I have to offer 3 times prayer in college that is zohr asr and maghrib. Please advise.

Dirty water coming on one's clothing

Q: Once I went to the bathroom. I felt a splash of washing water or return splash of water from the toilet seat (Indian style) on my hand. I thought that when I will get up I will clean it. But when I got up, I totally couldn't remember it. I just felt I am missing something. Then I performed wudhu. Then I probably recalled what I was missing. My problem is that my dress was wet before only. So when my hand touched my clothes, is my clothes and wudhu invalid? It was just one small drop of probably dirty water.