
Doubts with regards to tahaarat

Q: I went to the toilet and washed the front parts with water and I washed the penis first then I put tissue to hold it and then I poured water on the testicles and I don't know if I wiped the penis first then I adjusted the paper to told the penis and then pour water on it and the tip of the bath room jug touched the place where the paper was before when I was pouring water and holding the penis with the paper the paper got wet so I don't know if that part of the penis was napaak. When the jug tip touched it what should I do? I shook my uncle's hand when I came out of the toilet and I forgot to wash my hands and they were damp so would his hands be napaak and I held the toilet mop and will that be napaak as well?

Impurity on one's clothing


  1. Sometimes while watching romantic scenes of movies some fluids come out from my private part and it gets transferred to my clothes. How should I wash these clothes to make it paak?
  2. I don't know whether its wetness (mani) is transferred to the bed sheets or chairs where I was sitting or sleeping. I mean people can forget to touch and feel and sometimes our clothes dry off after sitting for a little longer. If I cannot trace where in bed sheet the fluid got transferred then what should I do? Do I have to wash the whole bedsheet or I can leave it?
  3. In this situation if after sometime I sit on the bed sheet with my wet clothes and limbs, will I get napaak? I am really confused. please help me.

Washing impurities from the floor

Q: There was blood on the bathroom floor that I wiped up using tissue quite a while ago.  You can hardly see it now in fact not even at all, therefore I do not know the exact locations of where the impurities. When the floor is wet now and I stand on it shall I assume that the impurities have transferred?

Doubts about the purity of the glue used on wooden flooring

Q: I have a wooden flooring and I found out after it has been placed that those who placed it used a wood glue which could contain najais substances. Actually, I read the notice on the box but not the full list of components was given, instead it wrote '...and other selected chemicals.' I am not sure if it contains alcohol or something. Can I pray Salah on it?

Watching Television

Q: While watching romantic scenes of movies some fluids comes out from my private part and I think it gets transferred to my clothes and bed sheets also. How should I wash these clothes to make it paak? If I cannot trace where in the bedsheet the fluid got transferred then what should I do? Do I have to wash the whole bed sheet or should I leave it? If the fluid gets dried and after sometime I sit on the bed sheet with my wet clothes, will my clothes get napaak?