Impurities on clothing and furniture

Lizard droppings on a wall

Q: As we all know that almost all houses have lizards. My question is: 

1. Lizard's dropping is found on the wall and it has dried. If we paint the wall and the brush touches the impurity, does it make all the wall with new paint impure? 

2. If this wall with new paint dries and someone with wet hand touches it, but the traces of color is not visible, will his hand be pure?

Using antibacterial spray and a cloth to remove impurities from surfaces

Q: I was wondering if it will be permissible to use antibacterial spray such as detol or zaflora to remove najasah on surfaces like doors, door handles and radiators by spraying and then drying with tissue paper.

I also read in a fatwaa that if the spray causes side effects you cannot use it. The sprays I have say they cause eye irritation. Does this mean I can't use it. Can you please respond as I need to know cause it will cause me alot of difficulty cleaning the radiators without spraying them and having to use a wet piece of tissue then a dry one. I also feel if I use a wet cloth I will just spread najasah everywhere.

Are dog hairs impure?

Q: I travel for work and sometimes my agent takes me around in his vehicle. There are times when his vehicle has some dog hair on the seats and on the floor. By me sitting on the seat, some of the hair may come onto my clothes which I try and remove. Can I read salaah or are my clothes napaak? 

Washing mosquito blood stains from one's bedding


1. I have a problem of mosquito blood staining my bedding. I therefore wash that part only but do not do so 3x, sometimes only once because the blood is removed. Is this ok?

2. The water that falls elsewhere on my bedding from the washing of the blood, is it considered napaak? Do I have to wash that area where the water fell as well? - since the water has been used to wash blood.

3. Is the area where the above mentioned water fell has dried with no traces of impurity, will it be considered pure?

Sitting on a sofa which was messed with urine

Q: My wife is suffering from a serious disorder about purity. This is all due to urine.

If a child has urinated on a sofa and if someone sits there after its dried without being cleaned, will the other person be impure? Does he/she have to change their clothes?

If he/she sits somewhere else with those same clothes, would that place also be impure?

My wofe is really not well because of this and she’s always washing things, beds, clothes. etc.