Impurities on the body

Urine splashes on toilet seat

Q: I have had rectal problems for the past couple of years and I try to keep a slight gap at the back when I sit on the toilet. However, it felt like something fell on my back and I knew for sure it could not have been urine splashing on me. Later, I tried to check if urine splashes fell on me, but I couldn't tell. When I went the third time I saw one splash fall on the seat, so I was worried if this was happening all the time but I was unaware.

My questions are:

1. Do I have to have a shower and change anything that could have come in contact with me?

2. Are all of my prayers valid?

3. Have I made anything najis from touching that part of my body?

4. This is how most people use the toilet so should I tell my family members to be careful and sit all the way back.

Not washing one's hands when waking up

Q: The one who wakes up, his hands are napak? What is the ruling for a person who does not wash his hands and goes to the washroom and touches the taps etc. and after washing his hands does not pour water on the taps and closes the tap. So does his hands, the taps etc. become napak? What about if he touches other things, will that also become napak? 

Paralyzed person delaying in changing after passing stool

Q: Most of my body is paralyzed. I have a caregiver to assist me for my basic needs. Most mornings when the caregiver arrives around 8:30 or later upon checking, we realised that I have passed stool. Some mornings I do not pass. After eating or being awake for some time I sometimes make more stool.

1. If I do not get a smell is it fine for me to continue with eating and other work or should I rather check?

2. Can I do exercises and drink hot water before checking and changing to try to ensure that I just need to change once for the morning?

3. Some mornings I am not well or very tired and find it difficult to sleep after waking up to change. Can I continue sleeping after the caregiver comes or should I break my sleep and check to see if I need to change?