Impurities on the body

Are the splashes of water over non-flowing blood impure?

Q: If you pour water (flowing water) over a wound that is still bleeding a little when checked with tissue but the water falling off is clear (no detectable traces of blood) even though logically there would technically be blood in it, is that water and its splashes impure? Are the areas on your hand that are now wet around the wound considered impure?

Fear of impurity spreading if a sanitary nappy moves slightly

Q: I would like to know my state of cleanliness because I am unsure. Due to my current illness, I have to wear specific sanitary items/nappies for urine leaks. I bought a new type of sanitary nappy and saw that the edges sat tightly around my body. However, at night when I turned, it moved a tiny amount. These nappies have inside cuffs that sit on the groin area for urine to stay inside, and then you have a tight elastic on the edge.

My question is, if the edge moved slightly, does this mean my clothes or hands are affected by the impurity if they get in contact with that area?  

Performing salaah or reciting Quraan with a small amount of impurity on one's clothing

Q: If a najaasat-e-ghaleezah that is thin and flowing falls on the body or clothes, it will be excused if the area on which it falls is equal to or less than a fifty cents coin in extent. If the person performs his salaat without washing it off, his salaat will be valid. But to refrain from washing it and to continue offering his salaats in this way is makruh. If it is more than a fifty cents coin, then it will not be excused. Salaat will not be valid if it is not washed off. Beheshwati Zewar (pg 44).

Does this include mazi?

What is meant by makrooh (disliked or sinful)?

Can I still read quran?