women working

Women working

Q: Please advice regarding Muslim women working from 8am untill late at night to earn an extra income and then she must still travel alone home 2 hours travelling with a scooter at 9 -10 at night. What is the Shariah ruling regarding this? She is divorced and her ex husband does not support the children because he has been unemployed for the past 8 years.

Forcing a woman to work

Q: My husbands family forced me to work. My husband lives in Muscat and I am in India. Whatever they said is it right? In this situation what can I do, I am so confused I need your advice to take a right decision. Sometimes they hurt me.

Holding the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: I have committed a grave sin what can I do now? I was in my office and one colleague asked me to pass her a Quraan from my desk. In order to not let anyone know I'm on my periods, in the blink of an eye I passed it to her with naked hands. I feel cursed now from within... What should I do now as I am afraid of Allah's wrath and anger?

Wearing purda part time

Q: I like to know the ruling on a woman wearing niqab on a part time basis. Say for instance when she knows she will be around non mahram men in a work environment. Will she be rewarded for covering up at those times. A friend has told me this is permissable. Please let me know.

Women leaving the home to work

Q: I want to know if my husband gives me permission to work outside is it ok? I wear complete hijab except for face. Also I have to speak to my manager sometimes regarding work who is a male. My office has many female co workers and I am very professional with everyone. I don't joke or smile at men. Is it fine for me to work is such conditions. Also I want to ask the money I earn, my husband wants to manage it. He fullfils all my needs but also gives my money to people in need. If I am not willing is he allowed to do so?

Marital problems

Q: I am working in the government for some time but have started an Aalimah course part time. I am uncertain of resigning due to challenges at home as relationship between mum in-law not very good and work was my scapegoat. However if I am at home, we will clash even more. Is it okay form me to work part time as I foresee more problems at home and I also do not communicate well with husband as he narrates everything to his mum. Pls advise.

Not charging tax

Q: I am a working girl. Just one month ago I started working into travel agency and according to government regulations we have to charge 1.45 % government service tax on hotels and 4.35% on completed package on the products we sale to the clients so recently have sold a complete package but while making the bill for the package my boss has told me charge only 1.45 % while the real charge is of 4.34% tax so now I wants to know whether it is right or wrong. I am just an employee there and I work for a salary but I want to know wether the salary I get will it be counted as halaal to me or not. Because every employee gets there salary from the profit which the company makes and they do their business in this way. The salary is jaaiz for me or should I leave the job?