women working

Women working

Q: I want to marry a person. I love him. He before said he will not allow me to work after marriage so I refused marriage. He loves me so he said now he will allow me to work for my mama and for my own happiness. What if after marriage he will not allow me, so will he be sinful? Should I have to leave the job?

Women going out to work

Q: I am a married woman having a 16 month baby. My father wants me to do job in an English medium Muslim school. But I don't want to do the job as the duty is tough and the pay is less and I will not be able to attend to my child. What should I do? Is it right for me to do a job in an Islamic way? Or should I deny my father's will? Please answer me what Islam says.

Home Industry

Q: I have a mother who depends on me to support her. I have no father or brother to help me and care for us. I wear hijaab, but it makes it very difficult for me to get a job. Can I remove my hijaab to get a job?